Comments “misleading, inaccurate, damaging” The Editor,
Group’s engineers are confident that if the principal drainage point were to block for some reason, such as poor or non-existent maintenance by the city, water would natu- rally flow through these 3 additional drain- age points before it could ever reach the elevation of the buildings’floors. Chris Harden, VP Development for the Harden Group, is dismayed with Mrs. Belle- Isle’s insinuations that his company is cut- ting corners and not meeting habitual stan- dards meant to prevent flooding: “Actually, we greatly exceeded the requirements im- posed by the MTO’s Highway Drainage De- sign Standard for evacuating water from the site and counted on our engineers’ proficiency and advice prior to moving for- ward. It is disconcerting to hear Mrs. Belle- Isle speaking this way about the project, and reflects greatly on the number of ob- stacles that Harden Group and others have faced and continue to face while trying to develop in Hawkesbury.” Although Mrs. Belle-Isle insists that the City of Hawkesbury always recommends the safest possible flooding standards, Mr. Harden is skeptical of the essence behind her words. Chris Harden stated that: “To be honest with you, the City of Hawkesbury didn’t always have dependable information
or approved standards in this area, so we had to do most of the homework ourselves. At one point, the city’s consultants, J.L. Rich- ards (an outside firm hired by the city and at the developer’s cost since the city no longer has its own engineer), confusedly claimed that 10 hectares of land were draining into the evacuation point, and thus explained that the current culvert under Tupper Street was too small to service the development. Ironically, Harden Group had to re-educate the city and their consultants with informa- tion provided directly by the city on how many hectares of land were actually using the evacuation point. It turned out to be 5 hectares, half of what the municipality’s consultants asserted without having even conducted a site visit or having done any adequate research on the matter.” For the Harden Group, the crux of the is- sue is that instead of acknowledging that the culvert was in fact adequate, the city forced the developers to indemnify them based on their original interpretation of the situation, which was founded on inaccurate estimates. Furthermore, this erroneously leads the public in believing that the site is at risk of flooding when it is at no greater risk of flooding than any other commercial prop- erty along Highway 17.
Harden Group is well respected in the re- tail real estate development industry for its professionalism, its quality of building and its attention to detail. This is the 16th proj- ect of this scope and size that the Harden Group has undertaken in either Ontario or Québec. Harden Group is confidently moving forward with the construction of phase 2 of Plaza Hawkesbury and does not foresee any problems related to flooding or any other issues raised by the town.
Standing behind its expertise, and that of its professionals, the Harden Group respectfully rejected public comments made by Hawkesbury’s Town Planner surrounding the construction of Hawkes- bury Plaza’s Phase II. (“ Development goes ahead despite flooding concerns,” Trib- une-Express, June 29). The site is not under flood threat, there is no issue with curbs and lighting and the Harden Group is in no way trying to cut corners. Mrs. Manon Belle-Isle, Hawkesbury’s Town Planner, recently stated during a presentation to council that the site of Hawkesbury Plaza’s Phase II is “like a sponge” and that “it’s obvious the de- veloper wants to carry out the work at the best possible price,” and avoid rais- ing the land to prevent flooding. These comments come after the Harden Group has taken several steps to ensure proper drainage to avoid flooding: raised the land by 2 metres in many areas, ensured that all structures built are 2.75 metres higher than the main drainage point, planned to construct Phase II buildings at same level or higher than Phase I buildings as well as Canadian Tire, Zellers and Your Inde- pendent Grocer, and approved a 100-year flood drainage standard relating to evacu- ating storm water from the site instead of the acceptable 10-year standard. Harden Group believes it’s important to note that the site’s principal drainage point - a 710-mm. culvert that crosses un- der Tupper Street - is complemented by 3 additional drainage points around the site. One is a drainage ditch from Phase I that drains north along Cameron Street, one is a ditch running along Tupper that also drains north towards the river, and one is another culvert that crosses under Highway 17 and drains south. The Harden
“T his erroneously leads the public in believing that the site is at risk
of flooding when it is at no greater risk of flooding than any other commercial property along Highway 17 “
CANTON D’ALFRED ET PLANTAGENET TOWNSHIP OF ALFRED AND PLANTAGENET 205, vieille route 17 / 205 Old Highway 17, C.P. 350/ P.O. Box 350, Plantagenet ON K0B 1L0 Telephone: 673-4797 • Fax: 673-4812 FORMULE 6
FORM 6 SALE OF LAND BY PUBLIC TENDER MUNICIPAL ACT, 2001 THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF ALFRED AND PLANTAGENET Take notice that tenders are invited for the purchase of the lands described below and will be received until 3:00 p.m. local time on July 31, 2012 at 205 Old Highway 17, Plantagenet, Ontario K0B 1L0. The tenders will then be opened in public on the same day at 3:05 p.m. at the Town Hall at 205 Old Highway 17, Plantagenet, Ontario. Description of Land(s): Pt Blk C PL 24 RP 46R2352 Part 1 and 2 (460 Albert Street), in the geographic Village of Plantagenet, now in the Township of Alfred and Plantagenet, County of Prescott. Part W ½ of lot 1, Concession 2, in the geographic Township of North Plantagenet as in R28718 (secondly), now in the Township of Alfred and Plantagenet, County of Prescott. (Vacant land PIN 54104 – 0303 LT (Approx. 0.38 ac.) Minimum Tender Amount: $8,656.80 Tenders must be submitted in the prescribed form and must be accompanied by a deposit in the form of a money order or of a bank draft or cheque certified by a bank or trust corporation payable to the municipality and representing at least 20 per cent of the tender amount. Except as follows, the municipality makes no representation regarding the title to or any other matters relating to the land to be sold. Responsibility for ascertaining these matters rests with the potential purchasers. This sale is governed by the Municipal Act, 2001 and the Municipal tax Sales Rules made under the act. The successful purchaser will be required to pay the amount tendered plus accumulated taxes and the relevant land transfer tax. The municipality has no obligation to provide vacant possession to the successful purchaser. For further information regarding this sale and a copy of the prescribed form of tender contact: Diane Thauvette, Treasurer Township of Alfred and Plantagenet PIN 54111 – 0183LT (approx. 0.73 ac.) Minimum tender amount: $7,468.90
Avis est donné qu’un appel d’offres est lancé relativement à l’achat des biens fonds décrits ci-dessous et que les offres seront reçues jusqu’à 15 heures, heure locale, le 31 juillet 2012 au 205, vieille route 17, Plantagenet, Ontario, K0B 1L0. L’ouverture des offres aura lieu en public le même jour à 3h05 à l’Hôtel de ville, 205 vieille route 17, Plantagenet, Ontario. Description des biens-fonds : Pt Blk C PL 24 RP 46R2352 Partie I et 2 (460, rue Albert), dans la région géographique du Village de Plantagenet, maintenant le Canton d’Alfred et Plantagenet, Comté de Prescott. PIN 54111 – 0183LT (Approx. .73 acre). Montant minimal de l’offre : 7,468.90 $ Partie W ½ du Lot 1, Concession 2, dans la région géographique du Canton de Plantagenet Nord tel que décrit R28718 (deuxièmement), maintenant le Canton d’Alfred et Plantagenet, Comté de Prescott. (Lot vacant PIN 54104 – 0303 LT (Approx. 0.38 acre) Montant minimal de l’offre : 8,656.80$ Les offres doivent être rédigées selon la formule prescrite et être accompagnées d’un dépôt d’au moins 20 pour cent de leur montant, sous forme de mandat, de traite bancaire ou de chèque visé par une banque ou une société de fiducie, fait à l’ordre de la municipalité. Exception faite de ce qui suit, la municipalité ne fait aucune déclaration à l’égard du bien-fonds faisant l’objet de la vente, notamment en ce qui concerne le titre. Il incombe aux acheteurs éventuels de faire les vérifications nécessaires. La Loi de 2001 sur les municipalités et les Règles concernant les ventes pour non- paiement des impôts municipaux adoptées en application de cette loi régissent la vente. L’adjudicataire est tenue de payer le montant de son offre, les impôts accumulés et les droits de cession immobilière applicables. La municipalité n’est pas tenue d’offrir la libre possession à l’adjudicataire. Pour obtenir des renseignements supplémentaires sur la vente et une copie de la formule d’offre prescrite, s’adresser à :
Grenville (Qc) 819-242-3131
Diane Thauvette, Trésorière Canton d’Alfred et Plantagenet 265, rue St-Philippe Alfred, Ontario 1A0 Tél. : 613-679-2292, poste 27
265 St. Philippe Street Alfred, Ontario K0B 1A0 Tel. : 613-679-2292, ext. 27
www.cinemaclock.com Quebec Grenville VEN. ET SAM. À 6:30 AND 8:30 DIM. ET SUR SEMAINE À 7h00 DIMANCHE MATINEE À 1:30
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