
St. Francis Xavier rocks open house $0..6/"65 r  $0..6/ * 5: DIANE HUNTER

St. Francis Xavier Catholic High School in Hammond held its annual open house for soon-to be-students to explore the school. Classrooms were opened with teachers on hand to answer questions. SFX offers dual credit programs as well as high skills majors such as Hospitality and Tourism, Transportation and Health and Wellness. Vice-Principal Stephane Wilcox opened the evening welcoming guests and thanking students for helping out with the evening events. “We have a faith centered curriculum and high expectations for our students. We build community relationships working closely with local OPP, Fire Department, and Valoris.” The athletic program offers track and field, football, baseball, softball, basketball, hockey, volleyball, badminton, ball hockey, soccer, and cheerleading.Themusic program offers a grade 7 and 8 band led by Mr. Marc Larocque, and the senior music program hosts a senior concert band as well as a jazz band for grades 9 to 12 students led by Mr. Stephen Pankiewicz. The senior band has the opportunity to travel each year visiting places such as Washington, New York, and Chicago. This year’s trip will take the band members to Washington, D.C., Baltimore, and Philadelphia. Next year’s trip includes Boston, Salem, and New York City. The Hospitality and Tourism class prepared the spaghetti dinner along with several baked goods that were sold in order to raise funds to do more baking. “It’s always helpful to serve dinner first,” said Ralph Sharples, principle of St. FX. “That way people don’t have to worry about getting dinner before coming here.They can come out and have dinner before the open house. Our cooking class made a wonderful spaghetti dinner and several treats.” “It’s going really well,” said Louise LeClerc, one of the cooking teachers. “We are cooking something every day.” Father John Whyte recently organized funding for two new stand-up mixers for the cooking

The St. Francis Xavier High School senior band played a few of their favorite numbers for guests during the annual open house.

class. “I sent an email to Healthy Eating for Better Learning (HEBL) and asked for the funds for the mixers. They said yes.” HEBL offers ongoing support to run healthy breakfast and snack programs for schools in the SD&G and P&R counties. “It helps us to make an assortment of healthy foods and helps with the breakfast program. The program is universal instead of just for needy families. It costs a little more, but it’s more dignified this way. Kids don’t feel singled out.The teachers find it helps with behaviour and grades. You learn better when you’re not hungry.” St. FX also holds a computer lab run by Marc Bonneville offering computer programing as well as communication technology. “The Com. Tech. program teaches kids things like presentations, Photoshop, stop motion animation, layout with InDesign, and cartooning,” said Bonneville. “The students also help out with the yearbook.” “We have a lot of great opportunities for students here,” said Sharples. “Everybody here is working together to make a better learning environment for students.”

The St. Francis Xavier High School Hospitality and Tourismclass provided a spaghetti supper for guests of the open house February 12. Seen here are Zoe Langevin, Travis Johnson, Crystofer Kok, and Spencer Lussier.

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