VIP shopping is now in the cards gŏđŏ
The official debut of the newVIP Card pro- gram took place in council chambers at the United Counties of Prescott-Russell (UCPR) offices in L’Orignal with Warden Jean-Paul St-Pierre enjoying the perk of having the Number One card in the program. “It’s a wonderful initiative,” said St-Pierre. “We wish you luck and good shopping to
our residents.” The VIP Card program is a joint project between the UCPR through its economic development and tourism department, the Prescott-Russell Community Futures Development Corp. (PRCFDC), Chambers of Commerce throughout the Prescott-Rus- sell region, and the federal and provincial governments through their economic de- velopment assistance programs for Eastern Ontario. The goal of the project is to encourage more local shopping in Prescott-Russell and giving residents a reason to spend their dollars in the region rather than drive to Ot- tawa or other larger urban centres for some of their shopping needs. “This innovative initiative will not only be- nefit consumers, but also themany commu- nities and merchants involved,” stated John Candie, PRCFDC executive director. “For us at the PRCFDC, it is important to note that buying local is an engine of economic pros- perity that is essential to the survival of our communities and our small businesses in À LA PATTE POILUETOILETTAGE ATTHEHAIRY PAWGROOMING SPÉCIAL 10 % DE RABAIS sur toilettage en plus 10% pour le prochain. SPECIAL 10 % OFF grooming +10% off your next one. 613 702-4103 613 488-2595 2080 Nolan Rd. Hammond ON
Prescott and Russell.” The program allows shoppers who have VIP Cards to earn “PR dollars” by using their cards at participating stores in the region. The PR dollars accumulated on the card can then be used towards future purchases from participating merchants. The program is similar to other “merchant card” promo- tions available through various Big Box stores or other franchises and other retail servers. Merchants wanting to take part in the program must be members of one of the Chambers of Commerce or merchant asso- ciations in the Prescott-Russell area. There is fee for businesses to be part of the program but they must guarantee at least a 0.05 per cent minimum discount on item purchases when a shopper presents their VIP card as well as follow other conditions set under the program. Details on the program, including how shoppers can get their own VIP cards, are available at or from local chamber of commerce offices.
L’ORIGNAL | It all depends on a turn of a card now for businesses and shoppers in Prescott-Russell.
Photo Gregg Chamberlain
Warden Jean-Paul St-Pierre is the number one VIP card holder in Prescott-Russell as he receives from Carol Lavigne the actual first card issued under a joint venture between the United Counties of Prescott-Russell, regional chambers of commerce and the provincial and federal economic development programs. The aim of the VIP Card program is to encourage more local shopping in Prescott-Russell.
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