rennie outlook - January 2019



PRIMARY HOUSEHOLD MAINTAINER (AND RATE): the person (or percentage of people in an age group) that indicate, on their Census form, that they are primarily responsible for their household’s finances. HOUSING START: the beginning of construction work on a building, usually when the concrete has been poured for the whole of the footing around the structure, or an equivalent stage where a basement will not be part of the structure. HOUSING COMPLETION: the stage at which all the proposed construction work on a dwelling unit has been performed, although under some circumstances a dwelling may be counted as completed where up to 10 percent of the proposed work remains to be done. HOUSING OCCUPANCY DEMAND: the demand for dwellings that are occupied on a permanent basis by usual residents. Contrasts with the demand for dwellings that are not occupied on a temporary or seasonal basis, including recreational homes or un-rented investment properties. GROUND ORIENTED DWELLINGS: homes that are accessed from ground level and that do not share a common corridor entrance including Single-detached, Semidetached, Apartment or flat in detached duplex, Row house, Other single-attached and Mobile and moveable. APARTMENT DWELLINGS: homes that generally share a common corridor entrance, including units in buildings under five storeys and those of five or more storeys (as per Statistics Canada definitions). THE LOWER MAINLAND REGION: the functional region of Metro Vancouver, the Fraser Valley and Squamish Lillooet Regional Districts that share a common labour force and transportation infrastructure.

Any long-range projection of demographic change like the ones presented herein are intended to consider general trajectories of change. As such they are more concerned with time periods than with specific dates, with orders of magnitude than with specific values, and therefore with strategic directions than tactical ones. To the extent that trends in fertility, mortality, and/or migration in the coming years differ from those presented in this report, so too will the future realized populations. Similarly, to the degree that regional residential development patterns and trends differ considerably from those presented herein, so too will the regional outlook for housing that is ultimately realized. In light of this, it is important to monitor trends in the underlying drivers to demographic and housing changes in Canada, BC, and the Lower Mainland in order to gauge the extent to which unexpected changes could impact the outlook, and in turn what that will mean for other, related dimensions of regional and community change (from health care and labour force to transportation and land use). development of these outlooks: Statistics Canada’s 2016 and previous Census counts; Statistics Canada’s Demographic Estimates Compendium publication; BC Vital Statistics; Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation; and Metro Vancouver. All forward-looking dimensions presented herein have been developed using rennie intelligence proprietary models. DEFINITIONS While the aim of this report is to present inherently technical information in a manner that is easy to understand, a few specific terms that are referenced in this report that warrant elaboration. DATA SOURCES Five major data sources have been used in the

JANUARY 2019 — P A G E 2

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