
communautaire Le lien Alfred

police beat

During the week of December 1 to December 8, Hawkesbury OPP o!cers re- sponded to 203 occurrences. Two break and enter instances were reported. Five incidents of assault and four incidents of theft were reported and there was one impaired driving related incident. Out of these 203 occurrences, 28 were con- cluded with charges.

La popote roulante d’Alfred et de Lefaivre est toujours au service des personnes âgées, handicapées ou en convalescence. Veuillez noter que la livraison sera faite seulement à l’intérieur des limites du village. Pour ceux de l’extérieur, il faut venir chercher les repas à la Pension du Bonheur. Pour la popotte d’Alfred, veuillez téléphoner à Jean-Claude au 679-4345 et pour celle de Lefaivre, contactez Denise au 679-4764.

Impaired Driving

At 1:00 a.m. on December 6, OPP o!cers intercepted a 2001 Toyota Echo trave- ling on Highway 17 at the Highway 34 overpass in the Champlain Township. O!- cers had reason to believe the driver had consumed alcohol. The driver, 27-year-old Guillaume Auclair, was arrested for driving with a blood alcohol level over the legal limit. A search of the vehicle resulted in the discovery of a substance believed to be cocaine. Auclair was charged under the Criminal Code of Canada with section 254 (5) - Fail or Refuse to Provide Sample 254(3) alcohol/blood. He was also char- ged under Controlled Drugs and Substances Act with section 4(1) Possession of a Schedule I Substance- Cocaine. Auclair was later released with promise to appear in L’Orignal court January 7, 2015. A break and enter was reported at a Dollard Street residence in Hawkesbury in the early morning of December 2. The resident heard a noise and saw a man "eeing the scene in a dark coloured van. The investigation revealed that someone gained access to the garage of the residence by breaking in a door. Various hand tools and power tools were stolen from the garage estimated at approximately $1,900. The matter is still under investigation. Anyone with information is asked to call Constable Jonathan Bouchard at the Hawkesbury OPP at 613-632-2729 or 1-888- 310-1122. A break and enter was reported at the Roxy’s Place snack bar on December 5 at 202 Main Street West in Hawkesbury. The investigation revealed that someone gained access to the business by breaking in through a window earlier that mor- ning. A woman was seen earlier that morning leaving the restaurant with a bicycle hauling a bike trailer. She was wearing a long black jacket, a black hat, grey scarf covering her face, gray mittens and gray winter boots. Four Coca-Cola frames, two Coca-Cola tins and some food were stolen from the restaurant. The woman was seen walking away heading east on Main Street. Anyone with information about this incident is asked to call Constable Marc-André Desjardins at the Hawkesbury OPP at 613-632-2729 or 1-888-310-1122. Hawkesbury OPP Constables intercepted a vehicle on Du Chenail Boulevard in the early morning of Sunday, November 23, 2014. The tra!c stop investigation revealed that the driver had stolen the vehicle, which was a grey 2002 Nissan Sen- tra. The driver, 29-year-old Julie Senecal of Brownsburg-Chatham, was arrested and charged under the Criminal Code of Canada with section 334(b) Theft Under $5,000 of a Motor Vehicle and section 733.1(1) Fail to Comply with Probation Order. Police have a grocery store burglary case in St-Isidore in The Nation Municipality where the target was any computer-type items on the premises. The Fred Agri-Mart was broken into sometime overnight between Nov. 24 and Nov. 25. Entry was through a window. Inside the o!ce area was ransacked and several computer items taken. Mis- sing are a black Lancer laptop computer, a 20-inch screen monitor, and an HP lap- top, an HP Omni 100 personal computer, 100-052. The last item has the serial number 3CR0370729 and the product number BT569AA#ABC. Anyone with information on the break-in can call Const. Natasha Huygen at the Hawkesbury OPP detachment at 613- 632-2729 or the CrimeStoppers con#dential tips line, toll-free, at 1-800-222-8477. Computer theft at grocery Bertrand Castonguay , President, Roger Duplantie , D.G. / G.M., François Bélair , Sales & Development, François Legault , Directeur de l’information/News Editor, Yvan Joly , Sales director (Hawkesbury), François Leblanc , Directeur (Lachute), 21 800 copies Break and enter Theft Several wedding rings are part of the list of stolen items from an evening burglary in Plantagenet. Police received a report about the Nov. 27 break-in at a home on County Road 9. Entry was through a basement window while residents were away from home earlier that day. The thief or thieves collected a brownwood jewelery box which contai- ned a white-gold diamon wedding ring, two yellow-gold diamond wedding rings, one yellow-gold anniversary diamond ring, one white-gold diamond engagement ring, three white-gold chains, one white-gold chain with fake diamonds, one pair of mat- ching earrings, and one matching bracelet. They also took with them an antique crys- tal oil lamp, a Samsung 55-inch screen Smart TV, a Blu-Ray DVD player, and a Samsung 40-inch screen TV.Anyone with information on the burlgary can call Const. Natasha Huygen at the Hawkesbury OPP detachment, at 613-632-2729 or the CrimeStoppers con#dential tips line, toll-free, at 1-800-222-8477. Burglars find “treasure box” haul Publié le vendredi par/Publish d on Friday by : La Compagnie d’éditi n André Paquette I c. Imprimé par/Printed by: Imprimerie Prescott et Russell, Hawkesbury, ON Bureau Hawkesbury Office: 1100, rue Aberdeen St., Hawkesbury, ON Tel.: 613 632-4155 • Fax.: 613 632-8601 • 1 800 267-0850 Bure u Lachute Office : 52, rue Principale St., Lachute, QC J8H 3A8 Tel.: 450 562-8593 • Fax.: 450 562-1434 • 1 800 561-5738 # convention : 0040012398 Avis : En cas d’erreur ou d’omission, la responsabilité du journal ne dépasse, n aucu temps, le montant de l’esp ce de l’erreur en c us . Attention : In case of error or omission, in no way will the publisher be liable for more than the amount charged for space concerned. Gilles Normand , Production & Distribution Mgr., Thomas Stevens , Layout & Prepress Mgr., Toute reproduction du contenu est interdite à moins d’autorisation écrite au préalable. No content may be reproduced without prior written permission. 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Party de Noël à Curran, le 20 décembre au Forum, dès 18h. Grand party rassem- bleur des paroissiens de Curran et des paroisses voisines ainsi que des parents et amis. Bonne bou$e non-traditionnelle et musique variée en bonne compagnie. Venez clore l’année du 175e de la paroisse et du 40e du Club de l’Amitié. Réservez avant le 15 décembre en auprès de Cécile au 613-679-1331, Estelle au 613-673-1664, Florida au 613-673-5916 ou Pierre-Yves au 613-673-9278 Souper de Noël organisé par le club FADOQ V’LÀL’BON TEMPS de Grenville, le 20 décembre dès 18 h au Centre Communautaire de Grenville du 21 rue Tri-Jean. Au menu, fesse de bœuf préparée par Réception Campbell, musique avec Godon Nixon et beaucoup de prix de présence. Aussi, à mettre à l’agenda, Whist militaire le 11 janvier à 13h30 au Centre communautaire de Grenville, prix de présence. Réservations pour ces deux activités : Denyse Woodbury au 819-242-4406. La Bible Parle d’Argenteuil, Étude biblique (via vidéo) sur l’épitre aux Éphésiens en- seignée par Réal Gaudreau : pasteur, historien et apologiste. L’étude a lieu tous les mardis soirs à 19h au 425 rue Principale à Grenville, l’entrée est gratuite. Info: Sylvain au 613-632-6927. Grenville-sur-la-rouge Dépouillement de l’arbre de Noël du Centre communautaire Campbell le 14 dé- cembre, de 13 à 16h, en compagnie du Père Noël. Animation et spectacle par la troupe du Baluchon magique. Inscription avant le 1er décembre. Info. : 819-242-9173 ou Fran- cine 819-242-3596. Grenville Activités du Club 50: Whist militaire le 18 décembre à 13h15 au Club. Info 613-632- 8294 ou Evelyne au 613-632-0505. Aussi, le 31 décembre, veille du jour de l’An, danse avec Yolande et Marcel a 19h30.Finalement, voyage avec le Club d’âge d’or 50 les 17 et 18 avril 2015. Carnaval de Rio à Québec. Une nuitée à l’hôtel Concorde, 4 repas et transport. Info et réservations : Kathleen Gray au 613-632-1841. Surpise! Inscris-toi à l’heure du conte. Le Père Noël vient nous raconter une histoire, le vendredi 12 décembre à 18 h 30, à la Bibliothèque publique de Hawkesbury. Inscrip- tion obligatoire au 613-632-0106 poste 2270. Pour les enfants de 4 à 7 ans. Souper de Noël et réunion mensuelle des Filles d’Isabelle Sainte-Bernadette Soubi- rous de Hawkesbury le mardi 16 décembre, à 17h30 au sous-sol de l’Église Saint-Al- phonse de Hawkesbury. Réservation: Denise Joanette au 613-632-4782. Programme de jour pour les aîné(e)s à Hawkesbury o$ert par les Services commu- nautaires de Prescott et Russell. Activités, transport et repas chauds fournis. Info: Ni- cole Langevin au 613-632-0939. A Christmas Craft Fair to bene#t families in need will be taking place on Friday, De- cember 19 from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. and again on Saturday, December 20 from 9:30 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the United Church in Hawkesbury; 260 McGill Street. Entrance to the a$air will cost one non-perishable food item, or $.50 to go toward Christmas baskets and to ensure there are presents under the tree for local families in need of a little Christmas spirit. ‘La véritable histoire du Père Noel’ sera présentée à la Bibliothèque publique de Hawkesbury le samedi 20 Décembre à 13 heures. L’inscription est requise. Info : 613- 632-0106, poste 2250. ‘The Christmas Story’ will be presented at The Hawkesbury public library on Saturday, December 27 at 1:30 p.m. Registration is required by calling 613-632-0106, ext. 2250. Hawkesbury


The Limoges Christmas Market will take place on Saturday, December 20 from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. at the Limoges community center and library at 205 Limoges Road. As well as the usual array of arts and crafts, there will be local producers from Ottawa and Quebec, several baked goods and crafts just right for the holiday season, and perhaps a visit from old St. Nick.

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