
Cours de RCR gratuit Les Services médicaux d’urgence de Cornwall SD&G ont conclu un parte- nariat avec la Fondation des maladies du cœur et de l’AVC pour offrir des cours gratuits de RCR de niveau A pour adultes. Les cours gratuits se tiendront tous les mois au poste central des SMU, 601, rue Campbell, de 18 h à 20 h. Pour s’inscrire : 613-938-8933. communautaire Le lien community link The novembre, de 10 h à 11 h par Dr. Paul Poirier. Réservations : 613-932-1035. Bingo du CCÉC tous les lundis, dès 17 h 30. Les profits serviront aux activités du Centre polyvalent des aîné(e)s. Cornwall Quilters Guild The Cornwall Quilters Guild will be holding its monthly meeting on November 16 at 7 p.m. at St. Matthews Lutheran Church hall, 1509 2nd St. W., Cornwall. Guest speaker will be Elaine Quehl. Information: 613-938-9578 Trinity Church Fall Luncheon The Trinity Church Fall Luncheon will be held on November 18 at 105 2nd St. W., from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. Menu includes gourmet soups, sandwiches, cheeses, pickles, delicious desserts, tea or coffee. The event’s programme also includes a craft table, book table, bake table and a jams and jellies table. Tri-County Literacy Council Tutor Training Workshop on November 23 and 24, from 9 to 12 a.m. by the Tri-County Literacy Council. In this two-day workshop, volunteers learn how to tutor adults with basic literacy needs. Registration : 613-932-7161. Glengarry Encore Education Centre Bread-baking classes on November 13 from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. with Henriette Poitras. Information: 613-525-1008. Le Centre Charles-Émile-Claude Atelier sur les maux de tête, le 13

Invisible in plain sight:

Cornwall’s homeless


Wearing old clothes and with loneliness in their eyes, they make their way down Cornwall’s busy intersections, a shell of what they once were. Although in plain sight, they seem invis- ible, blending in with the everyday scenery.

The city’s homeless compromise a com- munity. But what exactly is homelessness? According to Charity Intelligence , an or- ganisation that provides Canadian donors with information regarding charities, “there are two distinct groups of homeless people:

those who are temporarily homeless, the transitional homeless, and those who are chronically homeless, living on the streets repeatedly and for more than one year.” Even if the homeless community of Cornwall is considerably smaller than neighbouring cities, its “members” seem to be invisible. An actual homeless shelter doesn’t exist in Cornwall, although some did exist in the past. Alex de Witt, executive director of the Social Development Council of Cornwall and Area, explains that Cornwall’s homeless community consists of mostly hidden home- less. “We have relatively few people living on the streets in Cornwall, this population is often very transient and will often move onto other communities that have shelters where they aremore likely to have shelter for the night,” he highlighted. “However, we do have a lot of people who are considered to be the hidden homeless. Hidden homeless- ness falls under the category of provision- ally accommodated. It refers specifically to people who live temporarily with others but without guarantee of continued resi- dency or immediate prospects for accessing permanent housing.These people aremuch more difficult to track as there is little to no contact with them through community organizations.” According to de Witt, couch surfers, in- dividuals residing with friends or family or

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Le Journal, Cornwall


Le mercredi 11 novembre 2015


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