21 22_Tony's Open Chain report

Currently, no farmers from Tony’s Open Chain partner cooperatives produce from land in protected areas. In case this happens in the future, the protocol would be to report the incident to the relevant local and national authorities. We would consult with the farmer and the partner cooperative on remedial agroforestry measures, help the farmer find an alternative plot of land in an area that’s not protected, and provide tailored education to the farmer in order to help prevent further deforestation efforts. We link data sources like GPS mapping data and current productivity levels in Beantracker. This gives an at-a-glance snapshot of where our cocoa comes from and whether deliveries are feasible based on farm sizes. This past year, 91,550 new shade trees, which came from women-run tree nurseries, were planted on farms. Shade trees are an important factor in lowering temperatures on cocoa farms and improving biodiversity. These efforts increase farmers’ yields, make farming more profitable and contribute to much-needed reforestation in cocoa-growing areas.


Tony’s Open Chain impact report 2021/22

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