21 22_Tony's Open Chain report

KPI 10. # of cocoa growing households who participate in the CLMRS. This KPI tracks the number of farmer households that are members of one of Tony’s Open Chain’s partner cooperatives who are registered in CLMRS and who have been interviewed at least once by a CLMRS community facilitator since the respective partner cooperative started implementing the CLMRS. During these visits, the CLMRS community facilitators note the composition of the household and create a profile of each member of the household and assess the risk of child labour. This mapping is crucial as the

household is the basic setting to understand circumstances that possibly lead to child labour. Only when understanding the underlying situation can child labour be tackled sustainably in the long term. (More on p. 17 and 18) KPI 11. # of child labour cases detected and remediated at Tony’s Open Chain partner cooperatives with CLMRS. Scope: This KPI tracks the number of children between the ages of 5 and 17 who were found to be in child labour on a cocoa farm in the previous 12 months. We also include the cases of child labour remediated in the scope of this KPI. Remediation of a case is defined as a case that is closed because a child is no longer in child labour due to receiving remediation support and/or due to no longer being a child. Remediation is a key part of the CLMRS, and the goal is to ultimately close all cases of child labour found. (More on p. 17 and 18)


Tony’s Open Chain impact report 2021/22

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