21 22_Tony's Open Chain report

KPI 4. # of farmers supplying to Tony’s Open Chain who receive additional premium. We believe in supply chains without anonymity. Each person in our supply chain matters to our success, so we want to know who they are. An increase in the number of farmers who receive an additional premium means an increase in the number of farmers who are enabled to earn a living income and therefore a decrease in overall poverty. Scope:

• Farmers who are members of Tony’s Open Chain partner cooperatives in Ghana and Côte d’Ivoire who sold at least 1 kg of cocoa beans to Tony’s and/or Tony’s Open Chain mission allies during the book year. • All farmers who sold cocoa to Tony’s Open Chain receive an additional premium on top of the farmgate price. • The additional premium includes the Fairtrade premium, Fairtrade minimum price differential (if applicable), the living income premium and the co-op management fee.

KPI 8. % of cocoa in Tony’s chocolate that can be traced to Tony’s Open Chain partner cooperatives. % of cocoa in Tony’s Open Chain couvertures/liquid chocolate for Tony’s Open Chain mission allies traceable up to Tony’s Open Chain partner cooperatives. This KPI shows the physical traceability of beans,

from the partner cooperatives to the companies that co-manufacture Tony’s bars. It tracks the percentage of traceable cocoa beans in all couverture produced during the book year. The KPI also shows the physical traceability of beans from the partner cooperatives to the Tony’s Open Chain couvertures produced for mission allies during the book year. Traceability means companies know where their

beans come from and under which labour and environmental conditions the beans were produced. This sums up what Tony’s Open Chain mission allies are taking full responsibility for.

KPI 14. % of farms in the supply chain GPS mapped and assessed against protected areas. This KPI includes the percentage of farms that have been GPS mapped. The GPS mapping data is assessed against protected area maps (as outlined by the Cocoa Forest Initiative) to ensure that there is no current or potential risk of deforestation in our supply chain. Currently, the scope of the KPI includes GPS centroids (centre points of the farms). However, we also check that all plantations of all members of the partner cooperatives, including those farmers who delivered to Tony’s Open Chain have GPS polygon data. In 21/22, GPS polygon data is available for 98.5% of all plantations in the Tony’s Open Chain supply chain. (More on p. 21)


Tony’s Open Chain impact report 2021/22

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