

Politicians need to trust Canadians, says Trudeau GREGGCHAMBERLAIN

léans on a cold and damp Monday evening just to enjoy a beer, some pub grub, and maybe watch the hockey game on one of the overhead T.V. sets. The Feb. 11 gather- ing in Orléans was the latest stop for the Papineau MP on his campaign tour for the leadership of the federal Liberal party. Trudeau’s speech, alternating between French and English, focused on the dys- function in Canada between voters and all the political parties. He blamed it on too much reliance by both the ruling Conserva- tives and others on the “politics of division” as a campaign and governing practice. “That politics of division, lets not kid our- selves, has proved very effective,” Trudeau said, adding that it got the Conservatives a majority in the last election after two stints as a minority government.

again and be supportive. “Canada is big, it’s empty, and it’s too cold most of the year,” he joked. “But we learned to lean on each other. We are that one place in the world that has learned how to be strong, not in spite of our differences, but because of them. A Canadian is a Canadian is a Canadian, and it is necessary for us to all work together.” He also noted that the future for the coun- try will depend on making the voters feel that they are important and that they can make a difference and that they can hold politicians to account to a higher standard. “As citizens, we need to start expecting better from politicians, we need to start expecting better from our neighbours,” he said. “Most of all, we need to start expecting better of ourselves.”

ORLÉANS | If the average Canadian is cyni- cal about politics in general and govern- ment in particular, then Justin Trudeau knows who to blame for that. Politicians themselves. “We have to break this vicious cycle of people not believing in politicians,”Trudeau said, “and politicians not caring what peo- ple think. We, as politicians, need to start trusting Canadians again.” Trudeau held the floor before a crowded audience of Liberal supporters, local media, and a few curious drop-in onlookers who had come in to D’Arcy McGee’s Pub in Or-

But, Trudeau noted, the tactic has also made it difficult for the government to rule a divided country because of lingering ill- will between East and West, French and English, haves and have-nots, and between any number of special groups. He said what the country needs is to come together

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