CPTE_Helping Arthritis Pain

When you experience an injury, dealing with the pain that comes as part of the aftermath is expected. While painful, most of the time when recovering from an injury you can find comfort in the knowledge that the pain is temporary. As your body heals, as you go through the motions of building your muscle mass back and improving flexibility with physical therapy, you know that in time you will feel like yourself again. This knowledge gives you something to work towards, and helps the pain feel more manageable—even when it is intense, and never-fleeting.







• Overcoming Arthritis • Featured Service Manual Therapy • Relieve Hip Pain In Minutes

• Mediterranean Chickpea Salad • 6 Foods to help Ease Arthritis pain

When you experience an injury, dealing with the pain that comes as part of the aftermath is expected. While painful, most of the time when recovering from an injury you can find comfort in the knowledge that the pain is temporary. As your body heals, as you go through the motions of building your muscle mass back and improving flexibility with physical therapy, you know that in time you will feel like yourself again. This knowledge gives you something to work towards, and helps the pain feel more manageable—even when it is intense, and never- fleeting. Arthritis pain is different. Arthritis doesn’t develop as a result of an injury, but instead develops over time as a result of chronic use, or even as a result of genetic disposition.  This can

make dealing with the pain of arthritis even more difficult to cope with, as it begs the question: if the pain is coming from inside the joint, is there

Without cartilage, the bones would rub against one another with each movement, and would cause extreme pain. As the cartilage breaks down, so, typically, does the bone, and as the shapeof the jointchanges itbecomesevenmore difficult for it to function smoothly. Furthermore, the ligaments and tendons around the joint will often stiffen, and the muscles surrounding the joint will weaken, making it altogether more difficult and painful to move. While arthritis pain typically develops gradually, the realization of what you are dealing with can stillcomeasashock. Insomecircumstances the pain will appear more abruptly, especially when the pain develops in association with a change in weather or other environmental circumstance.

anything I can actually do about it? Understanding Arthritis Pain

Osteoarthritis is the most common chronic condition to affect the joints. Almost 30 million adults in the United States struggle with the condition, and while it can influence anyone of any age, it most frequently develops among those who are most prone to overuse—those who are over the age of 65. Arthritis occurs when there is a breakdown of the cartilage that covers the ends of the bones.This cartilage is what allows the joints in the elbows, ankles, knees and hips to move with freedom.



Overcoming Arthritis Turning to over the counter pain medications to cope with arthritis pain is ineffective as a long- term solution. While some of the medications may provide temporary relief, they will not help you overcome the pain for good. Physical therapy, on the other hand, can provide actual relief from arthritis by helping to rebuild strength in the joints through targeted movements and flexibility exercises.  

and movements can reduce inflammation, and thereby reduce pain. Physical Therapy and Arthritis Physical therapy is highly recommended for the treatment of arthritis because it can strengthen and support the joints through guided practice of movement and strength building exercises. Typically, the best activities for arthritis pain are low-impact activities. Working with a physical therapist is the best way to ensure that you are practicing the best techniques for overcoming your discomfort. There is a long list of home remedies that are said tohelp with arthritis pain as well, and there is some credibility tosomeof theseconcepts.Forexample, losing weight, exercising regularly, and making some dietary changes such as reducing caffeine and sugar consumption are said to help alleviate pain associated with arthritis. However, before you start making any changes to your lifestyle, it is best to consult with a physical therapist.

There is a lot of current research trying to understand what precisely causes arthritis to develop in some people, and not in others. Everyone uses their joints every day, and while it makes sense that so much pressure would cause pain to develop over time, it doesn’t explain why the pain develops when and where it does, and why it happens to some people and not to others. Anti-inflammation and Arthritis One leading form of arthritis treatment is with the useofanti-inflammatorymedication.Certain types of arthritis develop as a result of a build-up of inflammation in the body. Specifically, the tendons and ligaments become inflamed as a result of an internal attack from the immune system, which is typically triggered by some combination of environmental factors. Avoiding certain foods

For more information about how to rid your life of arthritis pain, contact us visit our website at www.CPTE.net Featured Service Manual Therapy How can manual therapy help me?

starting position and repeat with the other leg. For a side lunge, face thepoolwalland takeanoversizedstep to theside.Keep toes facing forward. Repeat on the other side. Try 3 sets of 10 lunge steps. For variation, lunge walk in a forward or sideways direction instead of staying in place. Joint Mobilization. Stand on one leg while raising the other knee to hip level. Place a pool noodle under the raised leg, so the noodle formsa “U”withyourfoot in thecenterof theU.Holdas longasyou canup to30secondsandswitch legs.Try1-2setsof5oneach leg. NeuromuscularTechniques. Takesidewaysstepswithyourbody and toes facing the wall. Take 10-20 steps in 1 direction and then return. Repeat twice in each direction. Where can I get manual therapy for my pain and stiffness? Ourexpertphysicaltherapistsarehighlyqualifiedtopracticemanualtherapy. With years of specialized training, we provide gentle, hands-on therapies thataddressabroad rangeofmuscleand jointconditionsand injuries.This includes soft tissue mobilization, joint mobilization, and neuromuscular techniques tohelpyoufeelbetter.Callus today toscheduleanappointment!

If you are experiencing increased pain and stiffening in any of your joints and muscles, manual therapy is often helpful. Patients seek out this type of physical therapy for a variety of mobility issues. For example, you may be finding it difficult to get up from a sitting or lying position, as well as bending over, without back pain and stiffness. You may also find that your neck or shoulders “freeze” and give you pain when you pursue everyday actions such as reaching for items or driving. In fact, debilitating pain and stiffness in muscles and joints can happen virtually anywhere on your body. What kinds of manual therapy exist? Manual therapy is the hands-on component of physical therapy, but there are several different sub-categories within the practice of manual therapy. Each has its own benefits, depending on what the underlying problem is. Among the most widely used are: Soft Tissue Mobilization. Standing near a pool wall for support, if necessary, take an oversized lunge step in a forward direction. Do not let the forward knee advance past the toes. Return to the


Try This Healthy Salad Recipe


Mediterranean Chickpea Salad • 2Tbsp extra-virgin olive oil • 3 garlic cloves, minced

• 3 Persian cucumbers, sliced into thin half moons • 1 cup chopped roasted red peppers • ¼ cup finely chopped parsley • 3 ounces honey goat cheese (or similar) • ¼ cup fresh mint • 1 cup chopped roasted chickpeas, (optional)

• 1Tbsp lemon zest • 2Tbsp lemon juice • 3/4 tsp sea salt • Freshly ground black pepper • 1 ½ tsp cumin seeds* • 2 cups cooked chickpeas, drained & rinsed • 1 cup cherry tomatoes, halved • 4 Medjool dates, pitted and diced

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  2. Fatty fish like salmon, tuna, trout and mackerel are rich in omega-3 fatty acids, which help fight inflammation.Try adding fish to your diet a couple of times a week. 3. Garlic, a member of the allium family, contains a compound called diallyl disulfide that may help with a number of diseases—including arthritis. 4. Tart cherries have an ingredient called anthocyanin that helps with joint symptoms and also gives this fruit its red color. 5. Tumeric contains a compound called curcumin, used for centuries in India to ward off inflammatory diseases. You’ll find this yellow spice in Indian cuisines—particularly curries. 6. Antioxidants in Vitamin C may slow the progression of OA. You can getVitaminC fromstrawberries,kiwi,pineapple,orcantaloupe.Avoid supplements with higher doses than 65 to 85 milligrams, as Vitamin C can increase the risk of kidney stones in large doses.                         KWWSVXGRNXFRP Fun & Games SUDOKU Qr/HYHO+DUG 1. Broccoli, brussels sprouts and cabbage are part of the cruciferous familyandare fullofsulforaphane,whichhelpsslowcartilagedamage in joints due to osteoarthritis.  

Relieve Hip Pain In Minutes Try this movement if you are experiencing pain.     DIRECTIONS: In a large bowl, combine olive oil, garlic, lemon zest, lem- on juice, salt, and several grinds of pepper. In a skillet over medium-low heat, toast the cumin seeds until aromatic, about 30 seconds. Remove seeds from heat and crush (a mortar & pestle is easiest). Add seeds to the bowl and stir. Add the chickpeas, tomatoes, dates, cucumbers, red pepper, and parsley to the bowl and toss. Transfer to a serving platter and dollop with goat cheese, sprinkle with mint, and top with extra roasted chickpeas, if desired. Season to taste and serve. www.loveandlemons.com/chickpea-salad-recipe                  

Relieves Tight Hips & Thighs





  While lying face down with your legs straight, slowly raise one leg up off of the floor, about 10 inches into the air. Relax and hold for 3-5 seconds before placing leg back down to starting position. Repeat the exercise 6 times on both legs.  



















  The object is to place the numbers 1 to 9 in the empty squares so that each row, each column and each 3x3 box contains the same number only once.



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