South Toledo: Relieving Neck Pain Naturally

“Is Your Digital Lifestyle Affecting Your Posture?” DISCUSSING THE AFFECTS OF TEXT NECK

Poorposture issomethingwenormallydonot thinkofasacontributor to neck and back pain. However, in our era of constantly being on smart phones, tablets, and computers, we often put our necks and backs in positions of prolonged stress. Over time, this contributes to increasedstress tovertebrae,disksandmusclessupporting thespine. Text neck is the term used to describe the neck pain and damage sustained from looking down at your cell phone, tablet, or other wirelessdevices too frequentlyand for too long.Ofcourse, thisposture of bending your neck to look down does not occur only when texting. For years, we’ve all looked down to read. The problem with texting is that it adds one more activity that causes us to look down—and people tend todo it formuch longerperiods. It isespeciallyconcerning because young, growing children, could possibly cause permanent damage to their cervical spines that could lead to lifelong neck pain. If you have been suffering from back or neck pain, come see a therapist at South Toledo PT. We can teach you postural corrections and stretches to relieve your symptoms and help get back to living pain-free!

Healthy Recipe: Vegetable Smoothie

8 INGREDIENTS • 6 oz water • 1 large tomato • ½ cucumber • 2 pieces celery

• 2 carrots • handful of baby spinach • lemon juice from 1 lemon (or balsamic vinegar) • 6 ice cubes

DIRECTIONS Wash the vegetables, throw them in the pitcher (after washing), turn blender on low, and then turn it up to high for about 30 seconds. You may need to use the tamper to get it circulating at the beginning. Other possibilities to add include olive oil, Tabasco, or herbs like basil. If you want it to look more like V8 you could leave out the spinach and add another tomato.

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