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Boisson et vitesse à Hawkesbury À la suite d’une plainte d’un citoyen le 10 mai en soirée, la Police provinciale de l’Ontario a repéré un véhicule qui aurait roulé à une vitesse excessive en pourchassant un autre véhicule sur la rue Smerdon à Hawkesbury. Les policiers ont suivi le suspect jusqu’à son domicile où des soupçons sur son état ont mené à un test d’ivressomètre. Puisque le conducteur n’a pas été en mesure de fournir un échantillon d’haleine concluant, les policiers ont donc procédé à l’arrestation de l’homme de 77 ans, Gérald Langlois, en plus de saisir son véhicule et de lui coller une suspension de permis de conduire de 90 jours. L’enquête a également démontré que les gestes de M. Langlois brisaient sa probation. Il fera face à trois chefs d’accusation lorsqu’il passera en cour à L’Orignal le 8 juin, pour conduite dangereuse, manquement à engagement et pour l’omission au test d’ivresse. – Stéphane Lajoie Checkpoint catch Police had an R.I.D.E. counterattack checkstop set up May 20 on John Street near the Long Sault Bridge entry in Hawkesbury when a black 2008 Nissan Versa rolled up just before midnight. The OPP incident brief states that police suspected the driver might be impaired after a talk with her. Johanne Audet, 48, of Alfred, is charged with driving with a blood-alcohol reading exceeding 80 milligrams. Her car was impounded for seven days and her driver’s licence suspended on-site for 90 days. She is scheduled for the June 8 provincial court session in L’Orignal. – Gregg Chamberlain

Rock Machine court case continues


counsel and the defence counsel for each of the accused.Thematter is adjourned to June 21 for continuation of the pre-trial conference as the two sides work out legal points.

The case involving the self-proclaimed lea- der of the Rock Machine motorcycle gang continues in provincial court in L’Orignal. Jean-François Émard, 39, one of the lea- ding members of the Rock Machine gang based in Québec, and Pascal Carrier, 47, each face charges resulting from an alleged altercation between the two in a bar in Cas- selman on April 29.The two eachmade a first appearance in provincial court in L’Orignal onMay 2 and their cases were adjourned to May 5 for a videoconference setup, allowing them time to seek legal counsel before ente- ring their pleas. TheMay 5 videoconferencewent ahead as a pre-trial conference session betweenCrown Émard is chargedwith two counts of pos- session of a firearm and single counts of carrying a concealed weapon, carrying a prohibited weapon without a permit, and obstruction of a peace officer. Carrier is charged with unauthorized possession of a firearm and obstructing a peace officer. Both remain under a judicial order to avoid contact with each other while their cases are before the court. They are both also ordered to avoid all contact withMartin and Yan Bernatchez, Jacky Lessard, Cory Greenwood, Shawn Campbell, Pascal Gau- dreau, andMartin Pelletier while the case is before the court. • YES • OUI • YES • OUI • YES • OUI • YES • OUI • YES • OUI • YES • OUI • YES • OUI • YES • OUI • YES • OUI • YES • OUI • YES • OUI • YES •



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