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GREGG CHAMBERLAIN gregg.chamberlain@eap.on.ca
at their own pace and almost 60 per cent of students surveyed stated the workload was appropriate to their schedule and needs. Students also indicated they would prefer biweekly assignments for distance learning, rather than weekly assignments. They also noted “more consistency in platforms used for distance learning” is needed. The UCDSB preliminary report noted that many of the findings in the student survey “echo what we heard from parents and guardians” in the results of a mid-May survey for that group. Other results from the survey include 47 per cent of students rated distance learning as “okay,” “pretty good,” or “love it,” while 34 per cent said they didn’t like it, and 19 per cent indicated they “struggled with distance learning.” Almost 51 per cent of students indicated the biggest challenge with distance learning was “the ability to stay engaged while wor- king at home.” Survey results also noted 36 per cent of students stated a review of spring 2020 lessons would help them with the transition back to school in fall while 36 per cent indicated they feel classroom time should “be focused more on the lesson and less on the homework.”
One district school board expects results of a student survey on e-learning will help with preparation plans for the new fall term. Staff with the Upper Canada District School Board (UCDSB) are analyzing the results from a survey from June 1 to 8 of students from grades 7 to 12 on their experience with and opinion of the distance learning program set up during the COVID-19 pandemic. More than 3100 responses were col- lected through the survey and the results will assist the UCDSB improve the present e-learning model for future use. “Student voice is valued with the UCDSB,” TUBUFE&EVDBUJPO%JSFDUPS4UFQIFO4MJXB “and understanding what is working well with distance learning from the student perspective, and how we can help transition students back to class, is essential as we prepare for the fall.” Almost three-quarter of students surveyed “appreciate the flexibility of distance lear- ning” a UCDSB preliminary report noted. The e-learning setup allowed students to work
A June survey of students for their views on distance learning will help education planning staff for the Upper Canada District School Board with preparing for the fall reopening of schools. —stock photo RABIES VACCINE BAITING PLAN BEGINS
GREGG CHAMBERLAIN gregg.chamberlain@eap.on.ca
dealing with their usual call volume, and BMTPIFMQJOHUIF&BTUFSO0OUBSJP)FBMUI Unit with its COVID-19 testing assessment program. The UCPR will also receive pandemic pay funding help from the Ministry of Long-Term Care for front-line and support workers at the Prescott-Russell Resi- dence, who have had to deal with greater challenges in caring for their clients and keeping them safe from COVID-19 during the current pandemic situation. The money will come out of a special funding aid pro- gram of more than $300 million that the provincial government set up to assist all long-term care facilities in Ontario during the pandemic.
The United Counties of Prescott- Russell will get some health services pandemic wage help from the provin- cial government. Both the ministries for health and for long-term care will provide pandemic pay funding aid to the United Counties of Prescott-Russell (UCPR). The Ministry of Health will provide one-time funding up to $491,400 for the 2020-2021 fiscal year towards the UCPR’s pandemic pay initiative for its emergency services program. Local paramedics have had extra demands on their time, both
1100, rue Aberdeen Street, C.P. / P.O. Box 1000, Hawkesbury, ON K6A 3H1 1-800-267-0850 Fax.: 613-632-6383 Publié le jeudi par • Published on Thursday by: La Compagnie d’édition André Paquette Inc. Imprimé par • Printed by: Imprimerie Prescott et Russell, Hawkesbury, ON # convention : 0040012398
If it’s small and green and smells like marshmallow, it may be the anti-rabies vaccine bait that the Ministry of Natural Resources is dropping by air over part of the rural area of Eastern Ontario this summer to reduce the risk of rabies developing in skunks, raccoons, and foxes. Be sure to keep children or pets who find the treated bait from eating it. —supplied photo
Bertrand Castonguay Président • President bertrand@eap.on.ca François Legault Directeur de l’information francois.legault@eap.on.ca
EAP NEWSROOM news@eap.on.ca
That includes skunks, raccoons, and foxes. The program features a combination of airdrop of vaccine-treated bait over most rural areas and placement by hand in urban areas in locations where the animals might be foraging. The bait is khaki-green in colour, stamped with a text warning identifying it as rabies vaccine bait, and smells like marshmallow UPBUUSBDUBOJNBMT&NCFEEFEJOUIFCBJUJT a plastic package containing the anti-rabies vaccine. Residents who are in the wooded or rural areas of SDG for any reason are advised to be careful that children and pets do not find and eat the treated bait. Leave it for skunks, raccoons or foxes to find and eat.
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Yvan Joly Directeur des ventes • Sales Director yvan@eap.on.ca Gilles Normand Dir. Production et Distribution Mgr. gilles.normand@eap.on.ca
The provincial government will do air- drops of special bait containing rabies vaccine in parts of eastern and southern Ontario. Right now the rabies vaccine baiting pro- gram is limited to the City of Cornwall and to the Stormont-Dundas-Glengarry portion of the Five Counties region though it may be FYUFOEFEUPPUIFSQBSUTPG&BTUFSO0OUBSJP if the need arises. All of southern Ontario is included as part of the program. The aim of the program is to reduce the risk of rabies developing in local wildlife, which are most susceptible to the disease.
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