
Significant response to Program

Semaine de prévention des incendies 5 au 11 oct. 2014

Valuable tips for preventing fires

Sécuriser sa cuisine contre les incendies

CORNWALL | The City of Cornwall has experienced a significant response for the Flood Risk Reduction Rebate - a new program launched earlier this year to as- sist homeowners in flooding-affected ar- eas. To date, over 120 applications from Cornwall homeowners have been re- ceived and rebates are being processed. There is no deadline to apply and the City is continuing to accept applications from interested homeowners. “We are pleased with the response we’ve received so far and we’re hoping more homeowners will take advantage of this unique program,” said Tracy Gordon, Flood Risk Reduction Program coordinator. Through the program, eligible homeown- ers can receive a rebate of up to $3,600 for completing improvements such as eavestrough downspout disconnections, backwater valve installations, founda- tion drain disconnections and lot grading. “The goal of the program is to reduce the risk of flooding caused by sewer back-ups and reduce the burden on the City’s sani- tary sewer network,” said John St. Marseille, general manager of Infrastructure and Municipal Works. “It also gives us a chance to have a dialogue with residents about flooding causes and protection measures.” Cornwall resident Claude Jasmin is one such homeowner who has taken advan- tage of the Flood Risk Reduction Rebate. He has used the program to undertake improvements to his home, including the installation of an exterior backwater valve. “It was really easy to apply and I had no problems at all with the ap- plication process,” said Jasmin. “So far, uptake has been steady and home- owners are eager to complete flood risk re- ductionmeasures,”said Gordon.“It has been informative to meet with homeowners to discuss the best solution for their home.” Homeowners are advised that some upgrades under the Flood Risk Reduc- tion Rebate Program will require per- mits and inspections to ensure compli- ance with the Ontario Building Code. This process is administered by the Building Permits Office and is separate from the Flood Risk Reduction Rebate. Homeownerswhodidnot experience flood- ing in 2010 or 2013 can still apply for the re- bate program. However, priority will be giv- en to those that experienced flooding or are in flooding clusters. Subject to the number and value of requests received, other non- flooded residentsmaybe consideredaswell. The rebate program is part of the Cornwall Blueprint, a comprehensive plan to deal with issues such as basement flooding re- duction and environmental water and infra- structure awareness.

Trop d’incendies sont causés par des moments d’inattention en cuisine. Il suffit parfois de quelques secondes pour que le repas que nous préparions se transforme en véritable catastrophe. Heureusement, il existe quelques trucs très simples pour tenir les risques d’incen- die à distance de votre cuisine (et de votre domicile). Il est entre autres conseillé de porter des vêtements ajustés lorsque l’on prépare un repas. Cela permet d’évi- ter qu’une manche de votre chandail ne s’accroche dans la poignée d’une cassero- le chaude. À cet effet, les poignées de tous les plats devraient toujours être dirigées vers le centre de la surface de cuisson. L’huile est très certainement le plus dan- gereux produit utilisé en cuisine. L’achat d’une friteuse à contrôle thermostatique est fortement recommandé. Il est égale- ment important de se rappeler que l’eau est à proscrire pour éteindre un feu causé par l’huile. Il suffit plutôt de couper son alimentation en air en couvrant la

tée de mains. Ce dernier devrait convenir à plusieurs types d’incendies, que ce soit un feu de combustibles ordinaires (bois, papier), de liquides inflammables (essen- ce, graisse) ou de câblage électrique. Le posséder n’est toutefois pas tout. Il fautaussi savoir s’en servir. Par exemple, le jet de l’extincteur devrait toujours être dirigé à la base des flammes dans un mou- vement horizontal. Si malgré toutes ces précautions un incen- die devenait hors de contrôle, sortez sans tarder de votre domicile et appelez les secours. Trois minutes suffiront à la fumée pour envahir toutes les pièces de la maison.

Fire destroys everything in its path, including precious memories and lives. Here are a few prevention tips to help you and your family avoid becoming fire victims. The golden rule? Have a smoke alarm that is in good working order on every floor of the home, especially near bed- rooms. Test them on a monthly basis and change the batteries once a year. Did you know that the majority of fire deaths occur at night? Victims rarely succumb to the flames; rather, smoke inhalation is responsible for most of these fatalities. Avoid smoking in bed. You just have to doze off for a few minutes for your cigarette to end up on the sheets. Keep all items related to smoking out of the reach of children. Ashtrays, matches, and light- ers should always be left in a safe place. Flammable items that have not been used for several months, such as cans of paint and solvent, should be discarded in an appropriate manner. Most municipalities have a depot site for such materials. The same also goes for all those piles of paper left lying around — recycle them. Lastly, the most logical rule of all is to keep highly dangerous products, such as gasoline and propane containers, out- side the home. This type of product should never, under any circumstances, be stored inside your home.

Do not smoke in bed, when tired, or under the influence of alcohol or medication. Smoking is the most common cause of fire deaths.

zone enflammée avec un autre chaudron ou tout autre objet résis- tant aux flam- mes. Finalement, il est recomman- dé d’avoir un extincteur à por-

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Store gasoline in a garage or shed in a container approved for gasoline storage.

Never overload electrical circuits, and always replace cracked or frayed cords. Guy Lauzon , MP

Stormont, Dundas & South Glengarry

621 Pitt Street, Cornwall, ON, K6J 3R8 Ph: 613-937-3331 /

Lawrence Vandermeer, Agent 421 13th Street West Cornwall, ON K6J 3H4 Bus: 613-933-3940


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