KB Biola Broadcaster - 1971-11

iour, accepting Him as Lord and Master of our lives. He alone is the answer of God to all of the prob­ lems of the human race. Only He can give us the victory over the devil. Satan Attacks the Body of Christ God's total plan for mankind may be summarized in the fact that He desires to bring about the redemp­ tion of the human race from the sin of Adam. That He has accom­ plished through the death of His only begotten Son Jesus Christ on Calvary's cross .This is the all im­ portant issue with God, and our response to this message of love and grace determines where we spend eternity. In Esther, a wonderful book of the Bible, we find another chapter in the continuing story of the con­ flict of the ages. Consider chapter 3:1-15 which shows how Satan was attempting to wipe out the Jewish race. Read this account for yourself and see how Haman, through jealousy and pride, was the tool of the devil. It infuriated him that Mordecai would not fall down and reverence the king's evil emmisary. This passage tells us that the arch enemy of God's people would have snuffed out all of the race if he had the opportunity. We are reminded of Hitler's purge in the time of World War II. But he certainly was not the first, or the last, to try to do it. Such has been the foolish attempt of other human leaders down through the pages of time. This case, in the story of Esther, was one of the most classic illustra­ tions of man's folly. Haman was willing to pay any price to have his contemptuous plot fulfilled.

MULTIPLY YOUR MINISTRY NOW THROUGH THE BIOLA FELLOWSHIP The Biola Fellowship consists of the many friends who share in the ministry of Biola College and Talbot Theological Seminary through regular pray­ er support, moral support and financial assis­ tance. You are invited to become an active partner in The Biola Fellowship. We ask you to pray faith­ fully for the Lord’s work at Biola and urge you to regularly invest your gifts. The Biola Broadcaster, a non-subscription pub­ lication, will be mailed to you as a special gift each month. We will be happy to send you a packet of envelopes ideal for your contribution. YES, I want to Multiply my Ministry now through the Biola Fellowship. I will endeavor to give for the ministry of Biola College and Talbot Theological Seminary at least $.... 25 10 5 3 2 1 Monthly □ □ □ □ □ □ □ Quarterly □ □ □ □ Semi-Annually □ □ □ Annually □ □ Please use my gift for: Campus Development □ Student Aid □ Radio □ General Fund □ Mr. Mrs. Miss.________________________________ ...


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