
ACTUALITÉ / NEWS Municipal budget heads for Ànal round of review

agencies, like the school districts and the United Counties of Prescott-Russell, to Ànish setting their budgets and property tax rates. But the 2012municipal budget proposed for Russell Township will mean that the average homeowner should expect to pay $580.25 in property taxes for every $100,000 assessed value of a standard single-family home and lot. Actual property tax Àgures will vary from person to person depending on both the type of property owned and its actual assessed value according to the Ontario Municipal Property Assessment Corporation (MPAC). Onelast-minutechangetothethirddraft of the budget that received unanimous supportandapprovalfromcouncilmembers was restoration of funding towards three proposed recreation development projects for local youth. Previous budget review sessions had $75,000 in total suggested for divisionamongawatersplashpadproject,a skate park, and a BMX park but the January 9 budget report that council reviewed had just the splash pad project included for $25,000 funding under the capital works proposals list. Restoring funding to all three of the proposed youth recreation projects meant either raising the municipal tax levy or else taking the money away from some other capital works project. Council members chose to keep the funding for the three youthrecreationprojectsandcutbackonthe gravelroadsportionofthisyear’smunicipal works schedule.


EMBRUN | Three new projects for youth recreation this year were saved at the expense of a kilometre’s worth of paving in the latest re-draft of the 2012 Russell Township municipal budget.. Council spent about an hour at the end of its January 9 committee of the whole session reviewing the third draft of the budget. The Ànal version, including any additions resulting from this week’s public review sessions, will go up for approval and adoption during the January 16 regular session. “We are doing better,” said Mayor Jean-Paul St. Pierre, regarding the latest adjustments and assessments on projected revenue and expenses for the township in 2012. “We are very appreciative of staff efforts.” The Ànal estimated budget Àgure for the municipality’s operations and capital expenses is $17,820,637. Barring any last- minute changes in costs or any future senior government grant additions to municipal revenue this year that should work out to a 2.51 per cent increase in the municipal tax levy. In other words, the township has to raise $8,280,986 through property taxes to meet its 2012 budget goals. The Ànal property tax rateswon’tbesetuntillateAprilorearlyMay because the township Ànance department has to wait for other local government


Russell council chose to prioritize three youth projects in its 2012 budget.

LeprésidentetchefdeladirectiondeGroupMédiaTFO,GlennO’Farrellseral’invité d’honneur au 14e Banquet de la Francophonie de Prescott et Russell, le 24 mars prochain, à Rockland. Il y prononcera une allocution devant les convives rassemblés sous le thème « Ma francophonie, mon écran pour l’avenir ». Natif du Québec, M. O’Farrell a œuvré dans l’industrie de la radiodiffusion tant au Canada anglais que français. Il a succédé à Madame Claudette Paquin à la tête de TFO à l’automne 2010. Président-directeur général de l’Association canadienne des radiodiffuseurs (ARC) de 2002 à 2009, M. O’Farrell a aussi travaillé chez CanWest Global aux Affaires juridiques et réglementaires et a occupé le poste de président de Global Québec. Il a également été vice-président auxAffaires juridiques pour le Réseau Pathonic. Lesbilletspourassisterau14eBanquetdelaFrancophoniesontdisponibles jusqu’au 3 mars au coût de 110 $ chacun à l’Académie du Gourmet, 993, rue Notre-Dame à Embrun ou en composant le 613 443-1700. Le paiement par carte de crédit est accepté. Pour faire l’achat de billets par chèque, on peut obtenir le formulaire de commande de billets au ou communiquer avec Francine Racette au 613 443-5417 ou par courriel à Glenn O’Farrell invité d’honneur du Banquet

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