APS Strategic Plan - February 2022

Attleboro Public Schools will:

1.A1 Provide social-emotional learning through experiences that will be integrated into daily classroom routines and procedures.

1.A2 Develop a comprehensive, systematic, culturally responsive process to review and revise inclusive high-quality instructional materials .

1.A3 Continue to increase and enhance the use of technology to support student achievement through the development and monitoring of a district technology plan.

1.A4 Review, revise, and implement schedules at all levels that include increased time for common planning and vertical alignment and to ensure there is support and guidance for all students.

B. Data & Achievement A focus on performance data and responding to each student’s strengths and needs will improve our ability to personalize learning.

Attleboro Public Schools will:

1.B1 Develop a data analysis process to inform instruction and consistently and effectively improve student achievement.

1.B2 Implement a systematic Response to Intervention (RTI) model to support academic, social-emotional, and behavioral needs of all students.

C. Systems & Processes Establishing new structures that advance student learning will improve district systems for all APS students and staff. This includes processes for attendance, transitioning between grade span levels, development of student learning portfolios, integration of Career and Technical Education (CTE) and community service programs.


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