Policy News Journal - 2011-2012

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Deduction of Earnings Orders Child Maintenance Enforcement Commission (CMEC)


13 July 2011 The CIPP Policy team talked about forthcoming changes to Child Maintenance payments during the legislation update at the National Meetings. We have now been provided with the detail of the required changes to payroll software, payslips and reporting for 6 April 2012 implementation. Standardised Child Maintenance Deduction of Earnings Order (DEO) Schedule report A new Child Maintenance Service is planned to be introduced in 2012. As a result, the Child Maintenance and Enforcement Commission has asked that software developers standardise the report formats for their software. Standardisation of this report format will enable the Commission to upload these reports via a new employer self-service website (due for release at the same time), using both XML and CSV formats, automating the processing of a significant percentage of these submissions. This automation will benefit both employers and the Commission because a reduced level of outbound contact will be required to clarify the information received. Following the introduction of this report format you will see a number of key differences from the current employer deduction from earning order (DEO) schedule reporting, namely: · an 'Employer Reference Number' which links the employer back to an employer record · an 'Employee Child Maintenance Reference Number' which links the individual DEO back to the non-resident parents' record · an optional 'Reason' code, from a pre-defined range, when payments made vary from the normal deduction rate. The Commission has asked that software developers implement this new report format in time for their releases in mid 2012, although if a developer wishes to implement this earlier, then the Child Support Agency is happy to accept the new report format. The report format and business requirements are available to download from the links below. Payroll software report format Deo Schedule Schema Example report format High Level Business Requirements for Child Maintenance Payment Changes If you require any additional information or have any questions please send an email to CMEC@CHILDMAINTENANCE.GSI.GOV.UK


31 August 2011

CIPP Policy News Journal

09/10/2012, Page 15 of 234

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