Eighteen Days - Sri Panca Tattva's Mayapur Lila

S(tting Thc Sta.gc

where Lord Nityananda is supposed to stand (l thinh it is lihe ayantra or an duspi- cious sign). T'his time they put the strap around Him quicher (they seem to be get- ting better at it). h still tooh just as long pulling Him up. Then some person stdrted shutting the doors oJ' the deity room, but luchily Gaiga Prabhu stopped them, and they opened the d.oors again. Someone told me that bach in South India when they were mahing Lord Nityananda and doing the .finishing touches, every time someone stood up, they hit their head on the hand" that Lord Nityananda holds down at His side. 5o thcy had wrapped foam with a piece of cloth over that hand. I've been tahing heaps and heaps of photos. I've been sitting down a bit because my Jeet really hurt. Tara's bun complaining and saying that she's hungry antl she's tired, but I kept tellingher that she could go home i.f she wants,but I was stayingherebecause I wanted ttt see them put the deities up because I would never ever see anythinglilte that again-rven though I was starving too. Finally, Lord Nityananda slowly inched His way up, and then He was stsncling-wahooooo!!! I got aphoto of just the two of Them on the altar. While they were puttingLord Nityatrunda up, they put Advaita Acarya on Lhe cart. Thcy didn't need that many lteople to push Him into the tempk room .front outside bul it tooh a long time to get Him down the ramp. When they were trving to get Him up the ramp at the altar, they didn't have cnough people , so thcy would push, and He would roll baclt a few inches. Then they would s'hout "Gaurahga!" and push again, and He would go up a Jew more inches. That went on .for somc time. Then they had to move the pulley on Lhe rooJ to wlrcrc Advctita Acarya was going to stand. And, again, Jananivasa Prabhu marhed the spot. Then they put lhe strap arountl Him. Ancl then will you believc it or not, tltey SHUT THE DOOR- gggrrrrl! ! Then I had to go home with Tara even tlnugh I could have snuch around the door Lo see . Anyway, vlllulsvsv-it was 7:30pm when we went httme and they still haven't Jinished. My poor Jeet! I tooh Tara home , thut went to thc hati (elephant) processiot't. Tht fireworks were really nice , as usual.


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