S(triflg The Stage
and Jayapatalta Maharaja canle up behind nte. I didn't notice him because I was loo'lting into the camera. He put his stich out and pohted at me and said, "Blessings, " and bonhed me on the head. I got a Jright because I didn't even hnow he was there. When Gacladhara was standing, Jayapatalttr Maharaia wtrtt around to the side door and was loohing at Him. I Jollowed him. Then he felt Sriv4sa's Jace to see if ht was facing the right way. Then he leJt, I thinh. I tooh a photo oJ .four oJ the Panca-tattva standing on the altar. It only tooh anhow'to move the pulley over to where Srlvasa was goirtg to stand. Srrvasa is a bit smaller t'han the others, and hc weighs the least, so he got up thc ramp Jast. They ltad a lot oJ trouble getting the strap around Srivasc's arms, and they put one arcund his legs as well.It tooh about an hour. They pulled him up slowly. I thinlt the guy pulling the chains must have really sore hands by now. Then they tooh the wood ofJ his leg.s. I was trying to tahe a photo oJ Ganga Prabhu, but he hept moving. Then they tooh olJ the cloth andJoam that was covering Srivasa's Jace to prote ct it. I tried to tahe a photo, but a worhef s arm moved in the way, so I only got Srivasa's nose-it is so big. Somebody was saying, "No photos. No photos of the face ." But, of coLlrse, nobody listened. Then they quichly put the cloth bach on His face. Then they dretr an outline of His cyes on the cloth with green paint, so they cottlcl tell where His ryes were looleing. Then He went up, uP, UP and HE WAs STANDING!! THEY WERE ALL UP!! Everyone excitedly ran forward.onto thc altar and began touchingT'heir Jeet, hug- gingTheir legs and oJferingJlower petals at Thdr Jeet. I saw.some matAjTs ctying. There was a little ltid, Bhahtavatsola, touchingTheir Jeet. I touched ueryonc's Jeet, and tooh photos of all the patten^ts on cach o.f Their dhotis and Their belts. Thty all have armlets andbracclets ancl ttice brahn-rana threads and nccklaces. Lord Caitanya has circle designs orr His dl-roti arrd abeautiful belt. Lttrd Nityananda has striped designs on His dhotl. His bdt is just as beautiful as Lord Caitanya's. Srl Advaita Acarya has candrikas and diamonds on His. Gadadhara's is the mosl beau- tiJul.lt is so elegant, asort oJ swirly de.sign. I thinh it suits HimbecauseHe is
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