Eighteen Days - Sri Panca Tattva's Mayapur Lila

Eightetn Dals - Sri Paics-rdlltd,s MAfAput-lita

extrdordinaire from Vrindavan, walked into Sri Panca-r.arrva temple with a few boys fronr Vrnd6vana, and took the lirtana through the roof. Devotees stayed until llpm, and engaged in an absolutely ballistic lirtana. Srila prabhupdda said, in relation to the installation SrI Sri Krsna-Balarama in Vrndavana, rhat the only thing required for the installation of deities was hlrtana: after last night, Those deities ARE installed! so we're heating up here in Mdyapur-two more days until the installation, and there's not a soul around who isn't feeling it. It is a jam-packed schedule, with too much to do and too little time [o do it... the place is full of very happy Russian devotees, and there is a huge banner in front of the temple proclairning rhc fulfill- ment of Srlla Prabhupdda's dream: a temple in the heart of Moscow. Srila Prablrupdda is no cloubt very proud of his Russian yaffa. So all in all, it's a very special year, for so many reasons. But all o[ them have their basis in the arrival of Sri Panca-tattva.

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