f iBftt(rn I)4,),s - Sri Ptiru-ldltt.(,.s Miynpur-lild
qnd, tamarind splashing in Jront of us. But it wqs grcat! We loved itl! Nrsirhha Kavaca and Sarvyasici were up or-r the platforrns above the cleities, and otrce we'cl finished on Advaita Aclrya, they pourecl bucketfuls of water over Him to rinse Him off. Therr Rasarani, Tara, and I rubbccl Him clry with rowels whilc Bhakta Gana carefully wiped His [ace. Every one o[ us was soaked: it took buckcts and buckets to rinse the soap away', but we were left with one increclibly shiny cleity. we moved on to Nityananda Prabhu: I'rn sure by now the websites have photos, and I hope they pick up how pink He is....such a delicare, soft burnishecl, coppery-pink. Rasarani - we did Advaita Acarya and then wc ntoved on to Lord Nityananda. I was rtally happy because I had been wunting to dct Lord Nityananda. when we were doing Him, I stood up on His base, and my head only reached beneath His chest. when I reached up with my hand, my fingers only reached His lower lip, and I was standing on my tip-tot:s. He is so tall! I polis'hed His chest a bit, bttt there tNct't too many other people thue , so I went baclt to doing His feet, and then I did His arm that points down. We got drenched a bit mot'e . Then His arms starttd, goittg a little blach, and Braja sevali told everyotta thar you have to get a cloth with tamarind, and a cloth with soapy water and rub the tamarind and then immecliately waslr it ofJ with the soapy warcr, <ttherwise He wottld go contpletely blach. So we did that, but I only used one cloth, one end with tomarind and one encl with soapy water. Thm wr movcd on to Gauraiga. Ht was so shiny. Thr mul on the scaJJ'oleling hatl to do His arms be cause the.y were too high up for any oJ us to reach. Our clothes were getting stained with the tamarind. our artns were aching so baclly. AJter ag:s, we rvent on to Sri Gadadhara. Hi.s arnr that poirts up was ronlly blach and it wasn'l coming ofJ'. I loved dohg His Jtct, but the basr wos so hard becausc of the carvings, so wc gave up doing the bast and continued on with his lect. Gacladhara is so beau-
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