f h( Most Spectscular Eyettt
Monday February 23, 2004 Srl Mayapur-dhama
Even though I live in Miydpur, I still l'ind it hard to reconcile the temple atmos- phere on installation day with the atmosphere that exists daily. It seemed to be a totally dilferent place, a clifferent time, a different planet even' The energy that per- vaded the atmosphere was something I had never before experienced-it was remi- niscent o[ the descriptions liorn Caitanya-caritamrta; it took us to a time when the Lorcl walked the earth; transported us to a different yuga. We were in no doubt that the Lord was present-it wasn't an issue of how advancecl one was, how long one hacl been a clevotee, or any other consideration. It was simply there for every- one to experience-the Lord and His associates were among us, ancl there wasn't a cloubt in anyone's heart or mind. As for the assembled clevotees who hacl corre to witness this wonderful event, only some o[ rhern were physically visible to us. To imagine tl"rat all the exalted person- alities from all corners o[ the universe also walked amongst us that day is not merely senrirnenr-Srila Prabhupdcla told his disciples after one public perform- ance of ltlrtana, "You dicl not sec NArada? You did not see Lord Brahmd? When there is chanting of Hare Kfqla, even the demigods come to participate'" I clidn't see them that day, but I know that they, along with Srlla Prabhupdda, Bhaktisiddhanra Sarasvati Thdkura, Bhaktivinode Thikura-in fact, the entire clis- ciplic succe55isn-ws1e all clamoring for a space amongst the dernigods and demigoddesses, all the exaltecl personalities from other universes and planets, all of whom had gathered in Mayapur to witness this most remarkable maha-abhiseha, clescribed by the stlrupati who carved the deities, Sriman Radhakrishna Stapathy, as "the most wonderful abhiseha I have ever witnessed." It started early, ancl none o[ us knew what we were in for...
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