Abbey Lens complete 2023-24


BBEY LENS January 2024 Vol 10: Issue No. Twenty Five Excellence Through Partnership


Sewing 6! Y6 workshop

CRAFTING In a recent Design Technology project, Year 6 children demonstrated their creativity and craftsmanship through a series of exciting sewing workshops. Guided by their teachers, the young learners delved into the world of stitches, learning when and where to apply them effectively. Armed with an array of fabric, sewing needles, threads, fabric glue and decorative embellishments, the children embarked on a mission to create unique sewn creations. Parents and carers were invited to participate in this hands-on experience, joining their children in bringing their designs to life. The workshops provided a valuable opportunity for families to bond while nurturing their children's design and sewing skills. The event was a resounding success, with the students proudly showcasing their finished products. The workshop not only fostered creativity but also honed their ability to evaluate and reflect on their work. The Year 6 sewing workshops were a testament to the school's commitment to providing a well-rounded curriculum. education, empowering students to explore their talents and ignite their passion for design. Have you got a paragraph of good news to share? Write in under 100 words, attach a picture and your story may be published. All submissions to or

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