Abbey Lens complete 2023-24



Excellence Through Partnership

January 2024

Vol 10: Issue No. Twenty Nine

Giving back! Charity work

NO STRANGER TO KINDNESS On the Saturday 16th December Louis Stranger gave up his Saturday to volunteer at Brushstrokes Community Project in Smethwick. Brushstrokes is a charity that looks after those most destitute in the local community. They offer English Language and digital skills classes; employment support; volunteering opportunities; food and household supplies and immigration advice.On Saturday it was the annual Christmas party which saw over 40 families visit the centre to share some food, socialise and visit Santa! Louis helped Santa by checking the age and gender of the children and then making sure Santa had the correct present to give to them. Louis also helped at the arts and craft station, had a cheerful attitude all day and helped clear up at the end! Louis spent the whole day thinking of others less fortunate than himself and all the Brushstrokes staff and other volunteers agreed that he was a great help, and we look forward to him helping again next year! Well done, Louis! Thanks to Louis’ mum for the story. [Ed - What a great story and such a powerful thing to do - well done Louis!] AUSTRALIA From the moment the school gates opened, it was clear that something extraordinary was afoot. Dressed in vibrant shades of blue, red, and white - the colours of the Australian flag - the Y2 children brought a splash of ‘Down Under’ to the heart of Abbey. Kangaroos hopped alongside platypuses, as the children donned their imaginative costumes, ready to explore the diverse wildlife of this faraway land. The classroom buzzed with activity as the young explorers eagerly engaged in a multitude of hands- on experiences. Armed with their creative prowess, the children crafted magnificent paper birds, each one a testament to their artistic flair. These colourful creations adorned the classroom, serving as a constant reminder of the fascinating avian species found in the Australian skies. Taking their imaginations to new heights, the children embarked on a make-believe journey to Australia. With passports in hand, they boarded their imaginary planes, jetting off to the land of kangaroos and koalas. This imaginative exercise not only sparked their curiosity but also fostered a sense of adventure and cultural appreciation. As the Y2 Oz adventure unfolds, the children will continue their exploration of Australia, diving deeper into its rich biodiversity, fascinating culture, and awe-inspiring geography with their boundless curiosity and thirst for knowledge,

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