Abbey Lens complete 2023-24


BBEY LENS October 2023 Vol 10: Issue No. Five Excellence Through Partnership


Attention! Year 6’s theme day.

WW2 In an immersive history experience, the Year 6 were recently visited by 'Primary History Workshops' to step into the shoes of those who lived during the 1940s. Throughout the day, the students participated in a range of interactive activities, delving into the lives of individuals who played crucial roles during the war. The workshop included case studies of real-life Special Operations Executive (SOE) agents and Home Guard Operatives, allowing the children to gain insights into the bravery and sacrifices made by ordinary people during extraordinary times. One of the highlights of the event was the chance to examine genuine artefacts from World War II. The students had the opportunity to handle and explore these historical objects, further enhancing their understanding of the past. To truly immerse themselves in the experience, the children were encouraged to dress up in 'World War II' costumes. This added an extra layer of authenticity and helped the students connect with the era they were exploring. Throughout the day, the students engaged in various activities such as Morse code and secret cyphers, learning about communication methods used during the war. They also had the chance to plan their own operations, developing problem- solving and critical thinking skills. The workshop emphasised the importance of primary and secondary sources, encouraging the students to analyse and evaluate historical evidence. Storytelling played a significant role in bringing the past to life, allowing the students to develop a deeper understanding of the events of the 1940s. By stepping back in time and actively participating in activities related to World War II, the students gained a greater appreciation for the sacrifices made by those who lived through this challenging period in history. Another great launch to the learning at Abbey!

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