Abbey Lens complete 2023-24


BBEY LENS October 2023 Vol 10: Issue No. Nine Excellence Through Partnership


Hearty fun! Y6 science

DISSECTION Attention, Parents and Carers! Prepare to be amazed as we take you back to the exciting day when our Year 6 pupils embarked on a hands-on journey through the intricate workings of the human heart. As part of their Science curriculum, a heart dissection was conducted on Tuesday, 10th October 2023, leaving an indelible mark on their scientific minds. The children were given the opportunity to handle and dissect real lamb's hearts, allowing them to explore the fascinating internal structure. Working in pairs, they fearlessly wielded their knives, carefully examining the various parts and gaining a deeper understanding of the heart's vital role within the circulatory system. To ensure safety and cleanliness, all necessary equipment, including safety goggles, craft knives, clear dissection trays, latex gloves and aprons, were provided. Following the activity, the students diligently washed their hands, and all equipment was appropriately disposed of. This immersive heart dissection experience created an educational adventure that will forever be etched in the memories of our Year 6 pupils. It offered a unique opportunity for them to delve into the wonders of the human body and foster a lifelong passion for scientific exploration.

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