Alleyn Club Yearbook 2018

Alleyn Club Dinner The 135th annual dinner of the Alleyn Club took place on Friday 3 November in the Great Hall. The venue has never looked, or sounded better. New lighting now reveals the full detail of Barry’s hammerbeam roof and a completely reinstalled sound system allows even the faintest of voices to be heard clearly. 172 OAs and their guests sat down to dine with our President Sir Colin Rimer. As always the event was given terrific support from the Sailing and Golf Societies as well as the Boat Club, Lodge and trustees of the Hollington Club. It was particularly pleasing this year to welcome eight members of the operational staff to receive their scarves as Honorary Staff Members of the Alleyn Club. Joining them as Honorary Staff Members were Mark O’neil (Mathematics), Dr Philip Cue (Head of Biology) and Ms Sarah Wood (Biology). Equally welcome was School Captain Mitchell Simmons who was joined by his Vice Captains Ayman D’Souza and Jack Ramsay as well as sporting captains Oscar Gleave (Rugby and Soccer), Femi Sofalarin (Hockey) and Jake Scarisbrick (Cricket). As is traditional, the meal was brought to a close by the formal transition of the Presidency from Sir Colin to Professor Andrew Tomkins OBE (54-61).

From left to right. Back row: N J Cosh, J A Bouldin, P M Thompson, R E I Newton, P J Brass, R E Quinault, I D Unwin, T Franey, N J White, R J Raeburn, J P Freeman, R A Crawley, C J Whitbourn, W J A Ceglowski, D J Woodcock, A R Underwood, P A Grimble, N I Kerr, R P Petchey, I T N Jones, P J McDermott, P E Beaven, N P Coombes, R G M Cook, W Brownlee, P W Waggitt, P A Virgo, M J Callaghan, J P Munnery, P R Gooday, P W Giles, R B Edwards

The September 1957 ‘first form’ was the first intake who were all born after the end of the Second World War and knew no Master other than Ronald Groves. What could be easier than arranging a reunion 60 years on? Well, it would seem quite a lot. Leavers then departing for university or other employment elsewhere were individually elected to the Alleyn Club, usually using their parental home address. Unlike today’s life subscription and email addresses, subscriptions were paid annually and individually by cheque. Directories

were compiled manually and available to all (no Data Protection limitations in those days) but were rapidly out of date with long lists of ‘Lost Members’ in newsletters. Furthermore, the school records show only the dates at the College; and as this group includes arrivals between 1955 and 1957 with departures between 1962 and 1965 the task of organisation became ever more complicated. So with two years’ notice, the Alleyn Club and Development Office started the task of extracting details they held for members of this group and


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