FMN | October 15th, 2018

An N.V. Publication FLEX

October 15, 2018

Vol. 20 No. 21

Market News


Serving The Flexographic Printing Industry In Print and Online at

Mondelez Commits To 100% Recyclability MM ondelez International, Deerfield, Illinois, announced a new commitment to make all packaging recyclable and provide recycling information by 2025.The company will work in partnerships so that packaging can be collected and recy- cled in markets around the world. The company’s strategy aims to deliver against its long-term vision for zero-net waste packaging by addressing two objec- tives: making it easier for consumers to recycle packaging and supporting industry coalitions to improve recycling rates. To achieve this, the company is committed to the following:

Labelexpo Americas 2018 Sets Record Labelexpo Americas, in its 16th edition, attracted record numbers in 2018. A total of 487 exhibitors were spread across 203,642 square feet, with almost 30 percent of ex- hibitors new to this year’s show. During the course of the three day show, which took place from Sep-

For exclusive content and breaking news please visit tember 25-27 at Donald E. Stephens Convention Center in Rosemont, Illi- nois, an increase in attendees to 16,413 from 86 countries passed through its doors.The Latin America region was especially strongly repre- sented, with a 95 percent increase on its 2016 show attendee total. Day three, traditionally a quieter day, saw more than 11 percent more visitors than on the same day in 2016. By the end of day three, the show orga- nizer reported an 83 percent rebook rate for its 2020 event.

• All packaging will be made with recyclable material by 2025.The company will provide design guidelines for circular economy to packaging developers, set priorities and identify materials to use or avoid across its packaging range. • All paper-based packaging will be sustainably sourced by 2020. • 65 million kg of packaging material worldwide will be elim- inated by 2020. This reportedly builds off the company’s suc- cess in removing 53.5 million kg of packaging material since 2013 and is consistent with its commitment to use the right

(Cont’d on Page 3)

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Mondelez Commits ( Cont’d from Page 1)

amount of material to keep products fresh and safe while minimizing the amount of packaging used. • Recycling information for consumers will be pro- vided by 2025. The company will work to make it easy for consumers to recycle or re-use product packs after use given the vast array of local recycling systems around the world. • The company will support industry coalitions and public-private partnerships to develop vital waste- management infrastructure to reduce waste and im- prove real-world recycling rates. El Dorado Packaging Purchases Uteco Press El Dorado Packaging has purchased a new Diamond HP Uteco Press to be installed in its Arkansas site dur- ing Fall of 2018.The Diamond HP represents Uteco’s excellence in flexographic printing. The company said the Diamond HP’s ability to offer short runs, increased quality and reduced waste and set-up times, influenced its buying decision.The Dia- mond HP, said the company, is the ideal answer for top converters who require increased flexibility and consolidation of equipment to streamline operations.


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Flexo Market News October 15, 2018 3

TAPPI, AF&PA Accepting Award Applications

TAPPI and the American Forest & Paper Association (AF&PA) have announced that applications are now being accepted for the U.S. segment of the Blue Sky Young Researchers and Innovation Award. Sponsored by the International Council of Forest & Paper Associations (ICFPA), this international award recognizes students, researchers, and engineers who are carrying out projects relevant to forest-based sci- ence, products using forest-based raw materials, process improvements, or other innovations through- out the value chain. The theme for the 2018-2019 awards program is Forest-based products and services – How disrup- tive technologies are revolutionizing the future . Subcategories include, but are not limited to: Future Generation Forestry : forest tree breeding and biotechnology; precision forestry; measurements and inventory Innovation in the Forest-based Industry : analy- sis and properties of pulp and paper; facilities, in- strument and process control; bioproducts and wood chemistry; recycling, deinking and environ- ment; timber for construction; material substitu- tion with wood. Winners will have the opportunity to present their projects in front of an audience of global forest products industry CEOs at the ICFPA’s International CEO Round- table meeting May 6-8,2019, inVancouver,Canada. PIA Opens Nominations For Awards In Excellence Printing Industries of America is seeking nomina- tions for the Education Award of Excellence and Frederick D. Kagy Education Award of Excellence. The Education Award of Excellence honors educa- tors and industry trainers who have gone above and beyond to further printed communications and en- hance the future of our industry. Nominees should be widely recognized as industry leaders who have contributed to special education or training programs, created a significant educational project, or displayed special leadership at the local, state, or national level. The Frederick D.Kagy EducationAward of Excellence recognizes an exemplary middle school, high school, or community college graphic communications program. Successful nominees maintain a close partnership with the graphic communications industry, build activities to meet the needs of the industry, and create innovative techniques for printing programs.

4 October 15, 2018 Flexo Market News

DuPont Unveils New Branding

DuPont’s new brand purpose – “To empower the world with the essential innovations to thrive” – builds upon a 200-year history of discovery and progress, the company said.

DowDuPont said in February 2018 that its Specialty Products Division would carry the DuPont name when it becomes an independent company. The company is taking the next step toward be- coming the new DuPont by unveiling a new global brand identity and logo. The branding is expected around June 1, 2019, subject to the approval of DowDuPont’s Board of Directors. “Our new branding is one of many steps we are tak- ing in DuPont’s transformation and amplifies what we do: Help our customers solve complex problems, and turn their best ideas into real-world products and solutions,” said Barbara Pandos, Chief Communica- tions Of ficer, Specialty Products Division of DowDuPont. “It preserves the legacy shape of the iconic DuPont oval, which for more than a century has provided a seal of quality, performance and trust,

WestRock Honored With Display Awards

WestRock, Atlanta, Georgia, was recognized at the Path to Purchase Design of the Times Awards with 31 awards for excellence in merchandising solutions, the most of any entrant for the second year in row. The company’s awards include a platinum award for Harry’s Dude and Dog endcap. Design Of The Times The Design of the Times competition celebrates in- store displays and digital activations and recognizes their role in any successful shopper marketing initia- tive.The competition is sponsored by the Path to Pur- chase Institute, a global member community that champions shopper-centric thinking and practice that help define the ongoing evolution of consumer marketing and the overall shopping experience. WestRock earned one platinum, 11 gold, 14 silver and five bronze awards for a range of displays.

but it will no longer be constrained by an elliptical border — signaling a col- laborative and open f low of ideas and innovation.”

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Flexo Market News October 15, 2018 5

New Tools Ensure Culture Of Worker Safety



X G N? S

Convened by PMMI, The Association for Packaging and Processing Technologies, the OpX Leadership Network’s new Worker Safety Readiness for the CPG Industry assessment tools and leadership guidelines ensure a worker safety culture for consumer pack- aged goods companies (CPGs) and original equip- ment manufacturers (OEMs). Focus On Safety The primary focus of the document is to provide worker safety readiness assessment tools in two key areas: commitment to a culture of worker safety and development of a worker safety plan. The free re- source includes subject matter expertise from mem- bers of the OpX Leadership Network’s Worker Safety Solutions Group, as well as guidelines to evaluate electrical safety, ammonia safety and machine safe- guarding. In addition,Worker Safety Readiness for the CPG In- dustry assists CPGs and their OEMs and other suppliers in implementing best practices to mitigate conditional risks (equipment, line configuration,materials and envi- ronment) and behavioral risks (thinking, acting, choos- ing and deciding) related to worker safety. The OpX Leadership Network was founded in 2011 by PMMI to ensure CPG companies and OEMs are well-connected and well-prepared to solve common operational challenges, make smarter decisions and achieve operational excellence. The Worker Safety assessment tool, as well as other operational solutions, are available for free download at . PIA Forms Partnership With Federated Insurance Printing Industries of America has entered into a strategic partnership with Federated Insurance, a business insurance and risk management service provider. “The printing industry faces a unique set of chal- lenges when it comes to finding and securing insur- ance coverage,” said Michael Makin, President & CEO of Printing Industries of America. “The expen- sive equipment and potentially hazardous working conditions make it difficult to secure quality cover- age and customer service.Through this partnership, Federated has committed to understanding the needs of our industry and helping our members navigate the complexities of insurance coverage and risk management.”

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6 October 15, 2018 Flexo Market News

SGP Announces Community Day Keynote Speaker The Sustainable Green Printing Partnership (SGP) has announced Ryan Mooney-Bullock, Executive Di- rector of Green Umbrella, as its 2018 Community Day keynote speaker. As the Executive Director of Green Umbrella, Mooney-Bullock works with a variety of or- ganizations and individuals to improve the sustainabil- ity of Greater Cincinnati. The organization works toward several goals through its collective impact model, which incorporates hundreds of members. These goals include energy, greenspace, local food, outdoor education and nature awareness, transporta- tion, waste reduction and watershed conservation. Mooney-Bullock's keynote speech will address the state of sustainability, how it has evolved, and the role that collaborative, cross-sector partnerships have in ad- vancing it. The conference will feature presentations and discussions on procurement, circular economy and sustainability practices from leading companies. Other speakers and panelists will be announced soon. The conference will be held on November 14 at the Renaissance Hotel in Cincinnati, Ohio.The annual event connects printers with brands and print buy- ers who are all working together for a more sustain- able supply chain. The conference will include presentations and discussions on the state of sustain- ability in the instore retail, packaging, textile and events market space. The day concludes with a gala dinner celebrating the 10th anniversary of SGP. FTA Issues Call For Entries For Innovation Awards Flexographic Technical Association (FTA) opened the annual Technical Innovation Awards for entries. Applicants are encouraged to apply early and can submit entries now through February 14, 2019. Submissions for the Technical Innovation Awards Competition are open to any organization/individual globally within the flexographic supply chain.This in- cludes printers, converters, print buyers, suppliers, designers and students. Each entry is evaluated by a panel of judges and placed into one of three categories: Prepress-Graph- ics, Prepress-Pressroom and Heavy Converting Equip- ment. From there, the entries are judged and scored in six specific areas: Description of Technology;Tech- nical Achievement; Technical Impact on the Indus- try’s Future; Supporting Material; User Testimonials; and Presentation of Submission. Winners will be an- nounced Sunday, May 5, in New Orleans, Louisiana during Forum 2019’s Awards Banquet.


Flexo operations are tough to keep healthy. Margins rely on everyone and everything performing and delivering according to plan. That’s why The ARChitects of Flexo should be part of that plan. Behind your ARC International representative is a team of flexo-focused gurus. They’re all trained to ensure that everything rolling on your flexo line is engineered to give you healthy profits. From ink consumption, to volumes and densities, to hard lines and soft fades— if it involves moving, coating, or printing a substrate, The ARChitects of Flexo have the evidence-based proof and scientific insight to make your line run true and fruitful. Why not put your best team on the line? Contact ARC today. Together we’ll draw up a plan to give you a healthy bottom line. 800-526-4569

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Flexo Market News October 15, 2018 7

Steering Committee Approves Initiatives For ICE USA 2019 The Steering Committee for ICE USA, the Interna- tional Converting Exhibition, met recently to approve new initiatives to generate more awareness of the show and attract more exhibitors and visitors. The Steering Committee for the 5th edition of ICE USA is comprised of both large and small exhibitors as well as the staff from Mack Brooks Exhibitions, the orga- nizers of ICE USA.The show is scheduled for April 9- 11, 2019, at the newly renovated Kentucky International Convention Center in downtown Louisville, Kentucky One new initiative will be to expand the education- al sessions offered at the show for converting indus- try professionals, covering all levels of experience. “One of the highlights of ICE USA has always been the strong line-up of speakers, industry fundamental workshops, and technical education sessions for pro- fessionals at all levels in the converting industry,” said Matt Fyffe, Vice President and General Manager of Meech International and ICE USA Committee mem- ber.“The Steering Committee agreed that in order to provide even more value to attendees, we will offer

even more courses, providing them with best prac- tices and solutions to industry challenges they face on a day-to-day basis. The very popular Ask the Ex- perts one-on-one consulting sessions will also be ex- panding to new verticals.” The committee also approved the initiative to cre- ate strong, new partnerships with regional and local organizations whose members include professionals in manufacturing, converting, packaging, plastics, coatings, and textiles/nonwovens industries. These partnerships will promote the benefits of attending and exhibiting at ICE USA to the organization’s mem- bers to explore new solutions, technology, and ma- chinery for those who convert and process flexible web-based materials. The committee also toured the surrounding neigh- borhood and were pleased with the nearby hotels and attractions, like the 4th Street Live entertainment district, the Muhammad Ali Center and the Louisville Slugger Museum and Factory. ICE USA visitors will also be able to experience the Urban Bourbon Trail in downtown Louisville. ICE USA will again be co-located with InPrint USA, the Industrial Print Show, in 2019.

8 October 15, 2018 Flexo Market News











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Omet Paul Briggs has been named the of- ficial agent for Omet, representing the UK and Ireland. AICC Members of AICC, The Indepen- dent Packaging Association, elected the following slate of officers and di- rectors during AICC/TAPPI Corrugat- ed Week, September 24-27, in Indianapolis, Indiana. People & Places

Adheso-Graphics, Inc.

AGI manufactures, distributes and converts current tech- nology flexo mounting tapes and backing systems for cor- rugated plate mounting. Flexstik hard vinyl, FlexSoft, bi.esse brand, Gold Series Thin tapes for sleeve and Narrow web plate mounting. Specialty tapes that cover the vast thickness range re- quirements and specific adhesion systems for all flexo mounting requirements. We provide technical service and problem solving services for unique customers & applications.

Paul Briggs

In addition to the regular slate of directors, the mem- bership of AICC also named one new delegate from the Association’s Emerging Leaders group, Daniel Brettschneider of CST Systems, Kennesaw, Georgia. AICC’s Associate (supplier) Members elected Greg Jones, SUN Automation Group, Glen Arm, Maryland as a Director of the Associate Board. AICC’s Officers and Directors for 2018-2019 are: Chairman — Joseph M. Palmeri, Jamestown Con- tainer Cos. (SP), Macedonia, Ohio. First Vice Chairman — Jay Carman, Stand Fast Packaging Group (SP), Carol Stream, Illinois. Vice Chairmen — John Forrey, Specialty Indus- tries/Krafcor/NuPack Printing (SP/FC/RB/SS), Red Lion, Pennsylvania; Jana Har r is, Har r is Packaging/American Carton (SP/FC), Haltom City, Texas; Matt Davis, Packaging Express (SP), Colorado Springs, Colorado. Immediate Past Chairman — Al Hoodwin, Michi- gan City Paper Box (RB), Michigan City, Indiana. Chairman, Past Chairmen’s Council —Tony Schle- ich, American Packaging Corp. (SP), Hutchinson, Kansas.

Anderson & Vreeland, Inc.

A&V manufactures a complete line of photopolymer plate processing systems and is a leading distributor of flexo- graphic platemaking materials. A&V also sells digital imag- ing systems and software specifically designed for flexography.

ARC International

ARC International is a world leader in the manufacturing of roller products for flexography. The latest nanotechnolo- gy laser engraving in our Charlotte and Las Vegas manu- facturing facilities ensures superior quality and consistency in anilox rollers.

Comexi Group Industries S.A.U.

The Comexi Group is a leading supplier of quality flexographic C.I. presses for the flexible packaging indus- try worldwide. We also provide solventless laminators, slitter/rewinders and related peripheral equipment such as automatic wash-up systems, solvent recovery sys- tems, automatic roll unloaders, and plate cylinder/sleeve storage systems. DuPont Packaging Graphics is the world’s leading suppli- er of flexographic printing systems in digital and conven- tional formats; including Cyrel® brand photopolymer plates, Cyrel® FAST processing equipment, Cyrel® round sleeves, mounting and finishing products. For more than 35 years, beginning with Cyrel®, the first photopolymer printing plate, through to today’s digital workflow revolution, DuPont has been driving innovation in the Flexo and package printing industries. The Digital Cyrel® FAST imaging system has been broad- ly recognized for its efficiency, productivity, print perfor- mance, and environmental benefits. DuPont Packaging Graphics

President — A. Steven Young,AICC Headquarters,Alexandria,Virginia.

Apex Pascal Bouileau has been appoint- ed as Technical Sales Representative for the North Western part of France for Apex.

Pascal Bouileau

EFI William (Bill) D. Muir has been named CEO of Elec- tronics For Imaging, Inc. (EFI). Muir was most recent- ly the COO of Jabil, a product solutions company. His appointment is effective immediately; he will also join the Board of Directors.

10 October 15, 2018 Flexo Market News

Sonoco Completes Conitex Joint Venture Acquisition Sonoco, Hartsville, South Carolina, has completed the acquisition of the remaining 70 percent interest in the joint venture of Conitex Sonoco, a vertically in- tegrated global manufacturer of paper-based cones and tubes. The Conitex Sonoco joint venture was formed in 1998 between Texpack, Inc., a Spanish- based global provider of paper-based packaging products, and Sonoco’s former North America textile cone business. Sonoco acquired the remaining 70 percent interest from Texpack, Inc., along with a composite can plant in Spain for $143 million in cash. In 2017, the joint venture produced total sales of approximately $245 million.

People & Places

Hamillroad Software Andy Cave, Hamillroad Software’s CEO, received the Technical Innovation award at the Future of Flexo, Join the Network Gala 2018, for his innovative work

developing products for the graph- ics, prepress and print industry, most recently the multi-award winning Bellissima DMS for f lexographic printing. Held on September 26, in Rose- mont, Illinois, coinciding with Label- Expo Americas 2018, the Future of Flexo inaugural Join the Network Gala, hosted more than 400 C-Suite executives, business decision makers

Andy Cave

and thought leaders from around the world to con- nect, discover and support the future health of flexo. “The 2018 Gala is not just a celebration of the suc- cesses of our giving community,” Claudio Semenza, the Future of Flexo chairman noted, “but a celebra- tion of the recipients of the donations that our com- munity makes. These recipients include young people involved in the study of flexography.” Graduating from the University of Bath with a BSc in Mathematics and Computing, and before founding Hamillroad Software Limited, Andy Cave was the Chief Designer at Harlequin (now Global Graphics) for more than 12 years where he established the RIP division and was responsible for the design and im- plementation of the Harlequin RIP. Hamillroad’s Digitally Modulated Screening (DMS) technology,Auraia DMS for offset and Bellissima DMS for flexo, were developed by Cave.

Flexo Market News October 15, 2018 11

Sustainability Trends Reshape Packaging Industry Accelerating demands for sustainable products and responsible corporate behavior are reshaping the food, beverage and restaurant industries, and with them the food packaging industry. Consumer expectations are one driver. As early as 2014, a Horizon Media study found 81 percent of mil- lennials expect companies to make public commit- ments to good corporate citizenship.And 66 percent of consumers at large will pay more for products from brands committed to environmentally friendly practices, according to the Nielsen Global Corporate Sustainability Report. A swelling wave of legislation is also mandating sus- tainable actions, worldwide. All this public and private sector momentum is cre- ating openings for innovative food packaging prod- ucts and thinking. Corporate leaders are embracing sustainable food and beverage packaging. A key food packaging trend in 2018 has been toward recycled and recy- clable materials. Leading beverage and restaurant brands have an- swered the call and announced major sustainability-ori- ented commitments in 2018.The trend-setters include: • Coca Cola stated that by 2030 it will collect and recycle one bottle or can for each one it sells; and • McDonald’s announced a commitment to have 100 percent of its guest packaging made from renew- able, recycled or certified sources by 2025. Environmental Push In Australia, national, state and territory environ- ment ministers have agreed on an admirable target: 100 percent of Australian packaging is to be recy- clable, compostable or reusable by 2025.This is only a few short years away, and a major opportunity for the food packaging industry. Vancouver, the first major Canadian city to ban plas- tic straws (effective 2019), has also adopted a ban on the distribution of polystyrene foam cups and con- tainers in that year so users of food packaging are looking for sustainable solutions, now.Vancouver also adopted restrictions on disposable cups and plastic shopping bags.And the city aims to completely elimi- nate the disposal of solid waste by 2040. Consumers everywhere are increasingly looking to companies and brands to take the lead on envi- ronmental issues. And the broad legislative trend to- ward bans and restr ictions on unsustainable materials is encouraging adoption of sustainable materials and practices.


Eaglewood Technologies, LLC

Eaglewood Technologies provides the award-winning Sitex- co Laser Systems, Sanilox ™ Systems and Sani-Blast ™ Mobile Service. Sitexco Laser Systems are the latest technology in anilox roll cleaning and are perfect for packaging and label printers. Sanilox ™ Systems are the global standard of reli- able, environmentally safe anilox roll cleaning. Sani-Blast ™ cleaning service has been cleaning rolls for over 20 years and offer several cleaning options to minimize downtime. Flint Group Flexographic Products develops, manufactur- ers and markets an extensive portfolio of printing consum- ables, including: nyloflex ® photopolymer printing plates and processing equipment, and dayCorr ® die-cutting blankets and anvil covers. With a strong customer focus, unmatched service and support, and superior products, Flint Group strives to provide exceptional value, consistent quality and continuous innovation to customers around the world. Flint Group

Harper Corporation of America

We’ve made ceramic anilox rolls longer than anyone in the world and pride ourselves on being the best in the world. Whether wide web, narrow web, newspaper, or cor- rugated markets, Harper continuously strives to bring new flexographic products and services to the printing industry that will improve the quality of your graphics.

J I MacWilliam Co., Inc.

Used equipment for flexible packaging, folding carton, paper, film, foil and non-woven industries. Professional, knowledgeable service for more than 30 years.

KBA-Flexotecnica – Get the Edge

Flexotecnica’s patented Safe Sleeve Change ® system and Speedy Clean ® auto washup system are designed to give converters a competitive edge through Flexotecnica’s commitment to research and development. Sales, service and support for Flexotecnica presses is provided by KBA North America, Inc. in Dallas, Texas with U.S. resident technicians, an extensive spare parts inventory and an ex- perienced, dedicated service staff. Mark Andy, Inc. is a leading global manufacturer of nar- row and mid-web printing and converting equipment. The company has a rich history of delivering solutions to in- crease productivity and profitability for the label and pack- aging markets. The company supplies leading global brands including Comco printing/converting machinery, Mark Andy printing/converting machinery and UVTechnolo- gy curing systems and replacement parts. Mark Andy, Inc. is headquartered in St. Louis, Missouri, with sales and dis- tribution offices in France, Switzerland, and the UK. Mark Andy, Inc.

12 October 15, 2018 Flexo Market News










Classified Advertising

Koenig & Bauer Chris Batchelder has joined the f lexible packaging division of Koenig & Bauer (US) as its Technical Sales Manager. He will join the flexo team and work on the sales efforts in North America, increasing aware- ness of the division’s f lexo press models, and serving and supporting the division’s current existing cus- tomers. Batchelder will report to Jef- People & Places Anderson & Vreeland Jonathan Brewer has been named an Account Manager for Anderson & Vreeland. Brewer graduated from Oklahoma State University with a B.S. Business Administration and minors in Man- agement and Marketing in 2011. With 7.5 years in the US Army, Brewer brings strong analytical and relationship-building abilities to An- derson & Vreeland, where he will frey R. Dietz,Vice President of the web and specialty press division at Koenig & Bauer (US), which over- sees flexible packaging in North America. work with customers throughout Minnesota, North Dakota, South Dakota, Nebraska, Northern Iowa and Northwest Wisconsin. He will be based out of Minneapolis, Minnesota. Pamarco In Latin America, Hector Gamboa will join Pamarco as a Technical Sales Engineer. In Europe, Anne Lander whom started her profes- sional career at Pamarco has taken on the position of Technical Sales Manager for Pamarco Europe, joining their Warrington team. Roger Schisel has joined Pamarco as Atlanta Produc- tion Manager. Chris Batchelder Jonathan Brewer

Rates: Boxed Ads: Print: $95.00 per column inch, On-Line: $95.00 , ($65.00 if placed with print ad). To place ad call (847) 441-5645. Ads may be faxed to (847) 441-5652 or emailed to: Mail Blind Box Replies to: Flexo Market News, N.V. Busi- ness Publishers, 540 Frontage Rd., Suite 3124, Northfield, IL 60093-1230. Indicate Box# on lower left corner of envelope. For exclusive content and breaking news please visit

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Flexo Market News® is published bi-weekly by NV Business Publishers Corporation, in association with Board Converting News®, Corrugated Today® Recycling Markets®, International Paper Board Industry®, Folding Carton Industry®, and Board Converting News International. Editorial/Production offices: 540 W. Frontage Rd., Suite 3124, Northfield, Illinois 60093. Phone: (847) 441-5645, Fax: (847) 441-5652, Marketing and Cir- culation offices: PO Box 802, Manasquan, NJ 08736-0802, Phone: (732) 245-3702. Subscription Rates in U.S. and Canada $60 per year or $105 for two years. Overseas rate per year $80 USD. Current issue single copies (pre-paid only) $5.00 in U.S. (elsewhere $7.50); add $5.00 per order for shipping & han- dling. No part of this publication may be transmitted or repro- duced without permission from the publisher.

Robyn Smith - President/Publisher Len Prazych - Vice President

Greg Kishbaugh - Editor/Co-Publisher Phone: (317) 306-1060 email:

Gail Kalina - Senior Administrative/Production Manager Michelle McIntyre - Prepress Manager Anna Dutko Rowley - Associate Editor Len Prazych - Editor-In-Chief Jackie Schultz - Contributing Editor T.J.Vilardi - Webmaster/Social Media Coordinator

TomVilardi (1961-2018) Chairman Ted Vilardi (1933-2013) - Founder ©2018 NV. Publicaions All Rights Reserved

Hector Gamboa

Anne Lander

Roger Schisel

14 October 15, 2018 Flexo Market News

Today’s Press on Tomorrow’s Platform

You need a press that is ready to change when you are. Built on a future-proof converting platform, Digital Series HD provides converters the opportunity to start offline and upgrade to nearline or inline finishing.


Tailor made solutions from Koenig & Bauer

Koenig & Bauer presses are tailored to your specifications  ÀÍܺ¹×¥–’ģ–만§´§×ìȽV¥§º² ŒÀÜק×Ⱥ"–͹º–º¡§º––ͧº¡ȸ (ׁ´§ºÍ ×ѹºÑ¥§ÊȸÊ´ÜÑ American customer service – ×¥–Œ–Ñ×À ´´æÀÍ´’ÑȽ "§å–Üс´´×À´–Íº¹À͖Ƚ Koenig & Bauer +1 (800) 522-7521 ºə¹Í²–קº¡ˉ²À–º§¡əŒÜ–ÍȽÀ¹ ²À–º§¡əŒÜ–ÍȽÀ¹

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