Abbey SIP 2019-20 v1.2

Abbey School Improvement Plan 2019-20

There will be a consistent approach to mastery maths at Abbey.

use Power maths vocabulary, posters on walls and Subject lead to send Anthony Reddy vocabulary e.g. Numicon style, five style etc. 5.Subject lead and working group to audit the maths year, and create a ‘ Abbey Mastery ’ approach.



To close the gap in the number of children on a different POS for maths.

Teachers to use the resources and CPA training to deploy staff effectively in maths interventions from the provision maps. Ensure that the sequence of lessons are structured effectively for children who need more support. Teachers to choose with support of SENDCO the most appropriate LSP for the specific intervention.

More children will be on the programmes of study for their relevant year group.



5% reduction in those working BARE, by the end of summer 2020.

Term 1


Evaluation: Leaders monitoring of SIP Governors monitoring of the SIP

This section will be updated at the end of each term to link QA tasks to evaluating the impact of actions.

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