Abbey School Improvement Plan 2019-20
Children will continue to have their Sp&L needs assessed either through the Sp&L Service or through trained school staff. Targets will be identified appropriate to each child ’ s individual needs and a programme of support implemented by identified LSPs / LSAs.
In light of the Sp&L Service stopping their service to schools, we need to identify an alternative way of providing for our children with Sp&L difficulties.
Identify the support that the Service will be providing e.g. will they still assess children ’ s needs following referrals from Parents and produce a report identifying support? If the above is still happening : Continue to identify staff to implement the appropriate support. If the above is not happening: Identify staff who have attended a Sp&L training course and evaluate whether further training is required so that they can assess children ’ s needs. In Early Years and where appropriate, some KS1 children, use the WELLCOM assessment tool to identify children ’ s Sp&L needs and ensure training for staff implementing it is given. Identify the parent needs through: - Knowledge and understanding from previous safeguarding cases / vulnerable families - Survey parents - Organise a coffee morning and invite parents to introduce the workshops and ascertain their areas of need / interest. - Discussions with school staff Think about ways in which to encourage parents to attend the workshops e.g. backing onto the Inspire workshops or assemblies. Identify further training available and cost implications.
Autumn Half Term
Targets will be monitored and reviewed termly in school by the SENCo.
To identify parent workshops and implement on a termly basis to promote parental engagement.
Parents will be up-skilled in providing a secure and safe environment for their children in relation to their SEMH needs and E-Safety. It will support and enhance the relationship between school and parents, through building respect and trust to create a positive experience for both parents and children. Parents will gain knowledge and understanding of the services available to support their children and family need. Through working with outside services / agencies, It will build the school ’ s relationship and knowledge base.
Autumn Term
Create partnerships with identified outside services / agencies to work in collaboration in
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