Abbey School Improvement Plan 2019-20
Parents and the community are consulted about the content of the curriculum before implementation in September 2020. Parents are informed via letters, website and curriculum information leaflets. TF to work with Emily Morgan to cherry pick ideas from the LA guidance and curriculum planning.
Lunchtimes are a positive experience for all children with a consistent approach by all staff (respect for LTS).
Revision of MAPA training 1-day de- escalation.
Staff are confident in managing challenging or difficult behaviour
To be complete by 03/20
Class teachers and link LTS
Ensure all staff are aware of how to deal with the most vulnerable Implement ‘ Your Words Matter ’ . Canteen and hall etiquette and manners – set expectations through whole assemblies and involve lunchtime supervisors. Provide rewards for children. Staff to visit the canteen or hall for lunch and support expectations. Developing the role of play partners – MS to train and develop confidence in this role. Provide ‘ how to ’ guides Develop wet lunch time provision – work with M Seaton to train and support LTS staff linked to classes – what do LTS group need to feel confident during wet play. Links with RRS – AV to share this with the LTS team. Understand the vision and mission statement for the school. AV to complete training with this group.
Class teachers have given LTS staff valuable information about managing the behaviour of vulnerable children; children develop a good relationship with staff and there is a consistent approach used.
LTS have time to reflect on the outcome of situations and consider the use of positive language.
All staff
Children are given clear expectations and this is supported by all staff across the school Children have staff who can engage with them, model play and support learning through play.
Reduction in incidents recorded in behaviour logs, as monitored by the termly recording.
MS and LTS staff
MS and SC
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