Abbey SIP 2019-20 v1.2

Abbey School Improvement Plan 2019-20

Summative and formative judgements of non-core subjects improve.

Develop a bank of non-core assessment material in the form of tasks and some ‘ tests ’ that inform staff use of assessment information to inform provision across subjects.

Tasks link directly to taught units. Tasks are not standalone ‘ tests ’ but are used as part of the learning journey to inform next-steps and summative assessment of learning.

Reviewed half- termly as per units taught.

CJ, NPQML & UPS staff

Pupils ’ understanding of what to do to improve and what they do well, in non-core, increases.

Attainment at ARE, across all non-core subjects improves.

By 1 st parents ’ evening.

Develop the school ’ s use of on-line resources so that pupils receive an agreed, year-group specific, amount of e- homework.

Revise the schools ’ homework policy. Agree an acceptable amount per year/phase. Inform parents and carers. Train staff and pupils on electronic sharing. Develop a time where parents who have limited access can use the school ’ s resources to ensure equality of access for all.

Pupils move to e-homework in an agreed amount and format.

School gets more VFM out of e-resources Workload is reduced due to no paper-based resources.

This will support staff in workload as the tasks are self-marking.

This will support minority parents ’ views of receiving more homework.

Evaluation: Leaders monitoring of SIP Governors monitoring of the SIP

This section will be updated at the end of each term to link QA tasks to evaluating the impact of actions

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