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...continued from page 22 Ready To Move On
are. If people listen to the message, they can solve the problems. With Jupiter in Pisces, you’ll see continued emphasis on finding phar- maceutical ways to overcome the pan- demic and return to normal. You’ll find various medications may even become a political tool for some countries as they try to increase their political clout through the distribution of pharma- ceuticals. And when you travel, don’t be at all surprised that new health ad- visories, or perhaps even restrictions, are in place. You’ll also find during the time pe- riod that Jupiter is in Pisces more in- formation focuses on the plight of the disenfranchised or marginalized seg- ments of society. Some countries will focus on integrating individuals from all segments and leveling the playing field as much as possible. Populations in other countries may decide to rise up against the disparity they are expe- riencing. Unfortunately, you may also see an increase in discrimination and disenfranchisement in other countries during this time period. Environmentally there will be a greater focus on how to clean up the world, especially the oceans, which are now harboring more waste and tox- ins than ever before. It’s even possible companies will once again view the so- cial cost of creating pollution as dam- aging not only to people’s live but also to their industries and bottom lines. There are many areas when the fantasy aspect of Jupiter in Pisces can manifest, and the biggest area is arti- ficial intelligence (AI). As AI increases, you may find some individuals are using technology to spread misinfor- mation by creating “individuals” who don’t really exist, and putting words into people’s mouths that they never uttered. So, it becomes more important you maintain your vigilance as you read and see information on the Inter- net—not everything is as it seems. You’ll also see an increase in online sports gambling, as well as an increase in various aspects of computer gam- ing. Plus, all the crypto-currency will continue with more banks trying to figure out how they can participate in any profits. With Jupiter in Pisces also ruling hospitals and other health care facili- ties, you will find some positive as- pects to AI in the health care industry. As the technology improves there will be better systems to ensure individu- als receive the type of care they need. Plus, when it comes to nature, you’ll see more software developed that can help in predicting natural disasters. When Jupiter is in Pisces, you’ll find you care more about the world and people in it, especially people in your immediate circle of friends and loved ones. You’ll do what you can to protect these individuals, perhaps to the point of putting their needs before your needs. You’ll also start thinking more about
move forward with your life. The new Moon that occurs on May 11 th has both the Sun and Moon in Taurus; Ceres and Uranus are also in the sign of Taurus. During the last full Moon you may have not dealt with problems and you felt frustrated. But today, as you reflect on your situation in life, you are willing to re-evaluate some of your goals and belief systems. With the New Moon forming a sex- tile to Neptune, this is a good day to review your dreams and determine how realistic they are. Perhaps you want to do something of importance; or perhaps you may decide what you thought you wanted isn’t important anymore. A few days after the new Moon, Ju- piter enters the sign of Pisces on May 13 th . This is a cycle that occurs about every twelve years and lasts for about 13 months. In this case, Jupiter enters the sign of Pisces until July 28, 2021, when it retrogrades back into the sign of Aquarius. It will re-enter the sign of Pisces on December 28, 2021, and re- main there until May 10, 2022, when it enters the sign of Aries. With everything going on in the world, it’s appropriate that Jupiter will be entering the sign of Pisces. In both your personal chart, as well as in mundane astrology, Jupiter represents the need to push boundaries and intro- duce new concepts into your life and the world. It represents the desire to understand the world around you and decide how to approach situations in a spiritual or ethical manner. Besides representing changes, there are other areas that Jupiter represents in mun- dane astrology: foreign trade and com- merce, religious and judicial matters, regulations and governmental laws, and foreign travel. Meanwhile Pisces represents under- standing your spiritual nature and cre- ative drives. It also represents phobias or fears that can interfere with your ability to move forward. At the same time, the Pisces energy can be very cre- ative indicating you can find new ap- proaches to old situations. In mundane astrology, Pisces rep- resents the pharmaceutical industry as well as public institutions, such as hospitals and prisons. Socially, Pisces represents the disenfranchised or mar- ginalized segments of society. Interest- ingly enough, it can represent toxins in the environment that need to be cleaned up. And it represents where fantasy might become reality, which could either be good or bad. Jupiter is one of the planets that rule the sign of Pisces; Neptune is the other planet. For people who know a little about astrology, they can under- stand how Neptune rules Pisces but they can’t quite understand how Ju- piter rules Pisces because Jupiter is a very extroverted planet while Pisces is a very introverted sign. But it makes sense. Jupiter is the planet that pushes the boundaries and Pisces is the sign that shows society where the problems
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PATHWAYS—Spring 21—23
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