Dyslexia: Foundations, Screenings, and Assessments ACADEMIC SUPPORTS
For more information or to register for this training, visit the CAHELP OMS Calendar: https://sbcss.k12oms.org/?gid=52
This course will provide participants with a foundational overview of dyslexia. The definition of the disorder, the various types of dyslexia, the associated brain functions, and the academic manifestation of dyslexia will be discussed. Additionally, participants will learn about the laws and guidelines related to the school identification of dyslexia. Reading/literacy fundamentals and the needs of special populations (i.e., English Language Learners, and gifted/talented) will be explored. Having this foundational overview will enable participants to understand the assessment and screening process for dyslexia and will enable them to identify targeted instructional practices within the MTSS/RtI continuum. In addition, participants will spend time identifying screening/evaluation tools typically employed in the identification of dyslexia.
Intended Audience
Educational Psychologists, Speech-Language Pathologists, General Education Teachers, Special Education Teachers, and Administrators.
LCAP Priorities
© Pupil Engagement, Pupil
(760) 955-3566 x karina.quezada@cahelp.org # 06:00 Hours
Achievement, Implementing State Standards, Course Access
Learning Disability Simulation Workshop ACADEMIC SUPPORTS
For more information or to register for this training, visit the CAHELP OMS Calendar: https://sbcss.k12oms.org/?gid=52
A disabilities simulation component will provide participants with the opportunity to experience the challenges of children with specific learning disabilities. An important goal of this course is to increase insight and empathy for children whose disabilities and social/emotional challenges impact their access to instruction and may cause disruptive behaviors. Practical manners in which to support children will be shared.
Intended Audience
Special education teachers, general education teachers, paraprofessionals, site administrators, speech- language pathologists, clinicians, and parents.
LCAP Priorities
PROGRAM SPECIALIST (760) 646-8000 x289 linda.rodriguez@cahelp.org # 03:00 Hours
© Pupil Engagement, Pupil Achievement, Other Pupil Outcomes
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