CAHELP Guide of Professional Learning Courses


For more information or to register for this training, visit the CAHELP OMS Calendar:

The SLP Collaborative Group meets several times a year and is led by the facilitator and/or presenter, offering Speech-Language Pathologists (SLPs), Speech-Language Pathologist Assistants (SLPAs), and interns a platform to convene, exchange insights, troubleshoot challenges, and collaborate. The topics addressed will reflect evidence-based practices, covering areas such as assessment, report writing, therapy methods and services, IEPs, augmentative and alternative communication (AAC), and other related topics. Ample time will be set aside for questions and discussion specifically related to the topic scheduled for each date.

Intended Audience

Speech-Language Pathologists, SLP Assistants, Interns

LCAP Priorities


PROGRAM SPECIALIST – (760) 646-8000 x266 # 02:00 Hours

© Other Pupil Outcomes

Early Childhood Special Education (ECSE) Collaborative Group COMMITTEES AND GROUPS, EARLY CHILDHOOD EDUCATION

For more information or to register for this training, visit the CAHELP OMS Calendar:

The Early Childhood Professional Learning Collaborative Group meets three times a year for continuing professional development, enrichment, networking, and training. The group provides the opportunity to develop a collaborative professional network to share ideas and information regarding current research-based practices in the field. Guest speakers and training topics will be aligned with best practices and be determined by the needs and interests of the group. Topics may include preschool assessment, early intervention, IDEA transition topics, social emotional learning, community resources, and classroom practices.

Intended Audience

Early childhood special education teacher (ECSE) and support staff, Early Start and Regional Center case workers, and other early childhood special education service providers.

LCAP Priorities

 VERONICA ROUSSEAU PROGRAM SPECIALIST – (760) 646-8000 x267 # 02:30 Hours

© School Climate, Pupil Engagement, Pupil Achievement, Parent Involvement, Implementing State Standards

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