Preschool School Psychologist Collaboration Meeting EARLY CHILDHOOD EDUCATION
For more information or to register for this training, visit the CAHELP OMS Calendar:
This collaboration meeting is designed specifically to support school psychologists who work directly with the preschool-aged population. The group addresses the unique assessment, placement and transition challenges associated with students from birth through age six with special needs. Topics such as the transition from Part C to Part B as well as the assessment process from preschool to school-aged programs are commonly discussed. The meeting frequency and topics are determined by the group members and participation is required.
Intended Audience
School psychologists who work directly with the birth to age six population, Regional Center staff who facilitate the transition from part C to part B of the IDEA.
LCAP Priorities
VERONICA ROUSSEAU PROGRAM SPECIALIST (760) 646-8000 x267 # 01:30 Hours
© Pupil Engagement, Course Access, Other Pupil Outcomes
For more information or to register for this training, visit the CAHELP OMS Calendar:
Small Group Time brings students and their peers together in a consistent grouping for hands-on activities based on children’s interests and developmental levels. Participating in Small Group Time gives children the opportunity to explore and experiment with a wide range of concepts and materials in a safe and supportive environment. This course is designed to assist educators in developing a Small Group Time routine that will incorporate academic learning while supporting developmentally appropriate practices for young children. Participants will examine their own daily schedule, student groupings, and physical space to help facilitate Small Group Time in their unique classroom setting.
Intended Audience
Early Childhood Special Education Teachers and Paraprofessionals, Gen Ed Early Childhood PK, through First Grade Teachers and Paraprofessionals
LCAP Priorities
VERONICA ROUSSEAU PROGRAM SPECIALIST (760) 646-8000 x267 # 03:00 Hours
© Pupil Engagement, Implementing State Standards, Course Access, Other Pupil Outcomes
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