CAHELP Guide of Professional Learning Courses

Special Education Information System (SEIS) Training INDIVIDUAL PROTECTIONS

For more information or to register for this training, visit the CAHELP OMS Calendar:

Effective July 2023, Desert Mountain and Desert Mountain Charter SELPA will be using the Special Education Information System (SEIS) for all electronic IEP processes, tracking, and reporting. This course will provide the end user with the knowledge of navigation through the SEIS program and will discuss it’s features as it pertains to the development of the Individual Education Plan (IEP), Individual Service Plan (ISP), student data collection and tracking for submission to the California Longitudinal Pupil Achievement Data System (CALPADS), and various other features such as reports, searches, testing accommodations, service tracker, and document resource library.

Intended Audience

All IEP Team Members, Administrators, and LEAs, across both DM SELPA and DM Charter SELPA.

LCAP Priorities

 COLETTE GARLAND MIS SUPPORT ANALYST – (760) 955-3565 x # 03:00 Hours

© Implementing State Standards

Student Discipline: Manifestation Determination INDIVIDUAL PROTECTIONS

For more information or to register for this training, visit the CAHELP OMS Calendar:

This course provides foundational information related to how the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA’s) discipline procedures apply to children who have not yet been identified as eligible for special education and related services and the legal requirements for how students with disabilities may be (or may not be) disciplined at school for violating a code of student conduct. The course will discuss the school system’s obligation to provide special education and related services during disciplinary removals. Further, the participants will examine the purpose and construct of a manifestation determination (MD) and determine if there is a relationship between the child’s disability and the behavior. Finally, the course will briefly discuss how both the LEA and the parent of the child with a disability have the right to request a due process hearing to appeal decisions taken during disciplinary procedures.

Intended Audience

Site administrators, school psychologists, district administrators, general education teachers, and special education teachers.

LCAP Priorities


© Implementing State Standards

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