CAHELP Guide of Professional Learning Courses

For more information or to register for this training, visit the CAHELP OMS Calendar: Tier 3 Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports: Prevent-Teach- Reinforce (PTR) Module PROFESSIONAL LEARNING PATHWAY

Prevent-Teach-Reinforce (PTR) is a systematic collaborative approach to addressing challenging behaviors that have not been resolved with classroom and schoolwide PBIS systems. This model aligns with the principles and procedures of applied behavior analysis. PTR is a five-step process that can be used with students at all levels of functioning. Through this pathway, participants will build team capacity for assessing, planning and implementing interventions with fidelity for students needing Tier 3 support. In this four day training, days 2 and 3 should be scheduled back-to-back or within the same week. NOTE: The following readiness criteria must be met to participate in this pathway: • Completed Tier 1 and Tier 2 training • Earned 70% or greater fidelity at Tier 2 on the Fidelity Inventory (TFI) • At a minimum, team members include: administrator, personnel with behavioral expertise and teacher • Commitment meeting with site coach, administrator and DMSELPA PBIS coach • Includes three facilitated coaching days

Required Courses

Day 1 Intervention Team - PTR Introduction: • Behavioral Concepts • Roles & Responsibilities Day 2 Student-Centered Team - PTR Process: • Specify core features Day 3 Student-Centered Team - PTR Application: • Supporting the Individual Student • Intervention strategies Day 4 Student-Centered Team - Evaluation, Sustainability and Generalization

Intended Audience

Intervention Team, student-Centered Team, special education teachers, general education teachers, paraprofessionals, site administrators, district administrators, school psychologists, and school counselors.

LCAP Priorities

© Pupil Engagement, Pupil Achievement, School Climate, Parent Involvement

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