CAHELP Guide of Professional Learning Courses

• Connecting the Dots in Math: Get Your Math Act Together

• Creating a Responsive Classroom

• Crisis Prevention Institute (CPI) Flex-Blended Learning

• Crisis Prevention Institute (CPI) Non-Violent Crisis Intervention

• Crisis Prevention Institute (CPI) Non-Violent Crisis Intervention Flex-Blended Learning for Administrators and Out-of-the Classroom Service Providers • Cultural Responsiveness: A Compilation of Classroom Strategies

• Desired Results Developmental Profile (DRDP) 2015

• Disability Awareness

• Discouraging Problem Behaviors

• Dyslexia: Foundations, Screenings, and Assessments

• Early Childhood Directors’ Collaborative

• Early Childhood Professional Learning Collaborative Group

• Early Childhood Special Education (ECSE) Collaborative Group

• Early Childhood Trauma Informed Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports in the Home

• Early Childhood Trauma Informed Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports Overview

• Effective Classroom Strategies for Students with Mental Health Disorders

• Effective Strategies for Large Group Time Instruction

• Enhancing Disciplinary Equity Through Data, Systems, and Practices

• Family Fun Days

• Forms and Facts 101 (Self-Paced Course)

• Functional Behavioral Assessments- FBAs

• Fundamentals of Restorative Practices

• Get “Skool’d” in the 3 R’s: Rhythm, Rhyme, and Representation

• Happy Teacher Revolution: Support Group for Educators

• Helping Students with Autism Excel in the Least Restrictive Environment

• Honk, Honk! Stop, Assess and Drive your Reading Instruction!

• How Do They Hear?

• IEP Meeting Notes

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