se izvori istoimene reke, od kojih su neki na većim dubinama i ima- ju ledenu vodu, dok u neposred- noj blizini postoje izvori koji imaju subtermalnu vodu sa temperatu- rom od čak 17 stepeni. Zlotska pećina Lazareva pećina sa još nekoliko speleoloških objekata čini skup koji nosi naziv Zlotske pećine, a nalazi se na teritoriji spomenika prirode Lazarev kanjon. Pećinu je izgradila podzemna reka, koja i danas pro- lazi kroz nju. Locirana je kod pla- nine Kučaj, ulaz je na nadmorskoj visini od 291 metra, a turistička staza je duga 800 metara. Za tu- riste je otvorena svake godine od 15. aprila do 15. novembra, uz or- ganizovanu vodičku službu. Laza- reva pećina predstavlja značajan arheološki lokalitet, a ukupna po- vršina iznosi 9.907 kvadratnih me- tara. Pećina je proglašena prirod- nom retkošću i od 1949. godine je zaštićena kao spomenik prirode. Carska palata Šarkamen Nedaleko od Negotina, u ataru sela Šarkamen, nalazi se arheološki biser – carska palata, jedna od če- tiri koje su postojale izvan Rima. Carska palata Šarkamen je kasno- antički rezidencijalni memorijal- ni kompleks nastao krajem 3. i po- četkom 4. veka, u periodu rimske vlasti koji je poznat pod nazivom tetrarhija – vladavina četvorice. Pa- lata se nalazi u selu Šarkamen kod Negotina u istočnoj Srbiji i sagra- dio ju je rimski car Maksimin Da- ja, koji je želeo da u svom rodnom mestu ostavi trag i sećanje na nje- ga. Poput Galerija, koji je izgradio gamzigradsku Feliks Romulijanu, i Daja je u svom zavičaju počeo da gradi palatu koja će predstavljati njegovu veličinu.
cellars are located not far from the village of the same name, on a hill overlooking the Timok, and repre- sent a unique architectural complex of wine cellars. The pimnice in the village of Rogljevo represent a com- plex of approximately 150 individu- al wine cellars, most of which were built during the 19 th century. The complex is composed of irregular streets with a central plateau and a covered well as a gathering point. Bledarija Waterfall The Blederija Waterfall, located in the foothills of Miroč mountain, is one of Eastern Serbia’s most beau- tiful waterfalls. Located around 40 km from Negotin, it is approximate- ly seven metres high and falls into a small, turquoise rimstone pool, which has led to it being dubbed “the emerald waterfall”. Approxi- mately two kilometres upstream from Blederija are the springs that represent the source of the river of the same name, some of which are located at greater depths and yield freezing water, while in the immedi- ate vicinity are sub-thermal springs that have a water temperature of as high as 17 degrees Celsius. Zlotska Caves Lazar’s Cave, together with a couple of other speleological ob-
jects, forms an assemblage known collectively as the Zlotska Caves, lo- cated on the territory of the natural monument Lazar’s Canyon, or La- zar’s Gorge. Formed by an under- ground river that still runs through it, the cave is located near the Kučaj mountain range. The cave’s entrance lies at an elevation of 291 metres and its tourist trail is 800 metres long. The cave is open to tourists from 15 th April to 15 th November, with organised tours led by a guide. Lazar’s Cave, covering a total area of 9,907 square metres, represents an important archaeological site. De- clared a natural rarity, it has been under protection as a natural mon- ument since 1949. Šarkamen Imperial Palace One archaeological gem locat- ed not far from Negotin, in the vil- lage of Šarkamen, is the Roman tetrarchic imperial palace, which was one of only four that existed outside of Rome. The imperial pal- ace in Šarkamen is a late antique residential memorial complex that was built in the late 3 rd and early 4 th centuries AD, during the period of Roman rule known as the Tetrarchy, meaning “rule of four”. The palace in the village of Šarkamen was built by Roman emperor Maximinus Daza, who wanted to leave his mark and a memorial to himself in his home region. Just like Galerius, who built Gamzigrad’s Felix Romuliana, Daza also launched the construction of a palace in his homeland that would represent his greatness.
Da li ste znali da je čak 40 odsto teritorije istočne Srbije pod šumom? Did you know that as much as 40 per cent of the territory of Eastern Serbia is forested?
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