Hola Sober December

Mental/emotional (strategies to tame your thinking)

3. Give yourself a hug. My favorite is a “yoga” hug. Wrap one arm across the front of your body and gently grab your rib cage. Rest the other elbow on the wrist of the arm hugging your body and stretch that arm diagonally across your heart center to the opposite shoulder. This posture, while internally is a giant hug, has the added external benefit of shielding your heart center from the negative energy that you might be feeling from others, especially if you are standing in close conversation with someone challenging. 4. Drink water – The brain is 73% water and dehydration can impair memory, mood, and brain performance. Caffeine, sugar, and exercise dehydrate you as well so drink extra water if needed. 5. Take a walk – even if it is just around the block, getting out in nature and breathing can work wonders. 6. Do a short meditation – excuse yourself to the bathroom or a spare room and do a quick 5-minute meditation. There are several apps (Calm, Insight Timer) with short meditations that will bring you back to earth and remind you to breathe.

7. My favorite practice early on was learning how to be my own best 2-year-old.You know, the ones that ask “why?” about everything. Young children ask why because they are curious about the world and want answers.I used to ask why as in “why me?”, but now my “why” is an exploratory tool. I want a drink – why? Because I am nervous, don’t want to be here, can’t stand my family, and everyone else is drinking – but why? Because I always have one – but why? Because it makes me feel better – but why? Because I don’t fit it, I’m not wearing the right clothes, someone said something means to me – but why? Because I don’t feel worthy – but why? I’m afraid no one cares – why? Try to find the root of the thought or emotion. Then see if you can find a different perspective or start a new story. This works in the opposite direction as well – I do not want a drink – why? Because I do not want to say things I won’t remember, wake up with a hangover, I want to be able to drive myself home, I don’t want to look or act stupid – but why? Because I want to be proud of myself – but why? Because I matter….and you can end there with that one.


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