King's Business - 1927-12

Cost of operation is met by donations, re­ turns from annuities, wills, bequests, profits from Biola Press and Biola Book Room, both departments of the Institute. A five year budget has been prepared which calls for an average annual expenditure of $200,000.00. This will meet the operating needs over and above regular sources of income, and provide for urgently needed expansion along several lines, including increase in radio equipment, additional class room facilities, Bible and evangelistic conferences, much needed equipment in Music Department, and larger space for Biola Book Room. The Bible Institute of Los Angeles has at­ tained a definite place in the Christian life of the nation. It is endeavoring to discharge its obli­ gation to faithful pastors of evangelical churches, to the young men and women who are training for lives of service, and to those who give of their consecrated means to carry on the enterprise. Gifts are solicited toward this million dol­ lar fund, which may be paid in semi-annual installments over a period of five years. Fullest investigation of the work is invited, that intelligent interest and cooperation may be secured. Address Campaign Headquarters BIBLE IN ST ITUTE OF LOS ANGELES 536-558 So. H o p e S t ., L os A n g e l e s , C a l i f .



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