University of Liverpool - Head of Engineering Services Group

Role Purpose and Univers

Energy Management/Sustainability • Works with the Engineering Services Manager & Facilities Engineers (BMS/ & Plant /Performance) to ensure that design standards for engineering servic optimised to minimise energy consumption and carbon emissions. Health & Safety/Risk Management • As far as is reasonably practicable, provides advice and guidance to ensur engineering services are designed & operated in compliance with the releva requirements, including Health and Safety Regulations, Codes of Practice, C University specifications, established professional standards and Service Lev Agreements. • Develops and promotes, in conjunction with Project Managers/Design Tea acceptable standards for maintenance access to engineering services using methodology. • Ensures, where applicable, that members of staff, Consultants and Contract their control comply with the requirements of all relevant Health and Safety and Guidance and that they fulfil their obligations under such regulations an University’s Codes of Practice; • Ensures implementation of relevant sections of the University Codes of Pra Asbestos Management and Legionella as applicable; the specific responsibili to the role being: o Ensures operational compliance with the University’s Codes of Practice, su Asbestos Management and Legionella Prevention, and the relevant Health a Regulations; o Ensures that members of staff, Consultants and Contractors under their co advised on the presence or otherwise of Asbestos Containing Materials (AC may affect their proposed operations by disseminating information containe the Asbestos Register, and that they undertake appropriate risk assessments commencing work; o Seeks advice from the Asbestos Manager, and halts work, if suspect ACMs discovered during the course of work being undertaken by in-house membe Contractors. • Assists with the forecasting of replacement and major maintenance/refurbi programmes, contributing to the development of a 5 year rolling maintenanc the engineering plant, equipment and systems. • Assists with the investigation of critical malfunctions/loss of service, and, ex assists as required to subsequently manage the restoration of engineering s normal after breakdown or power outages etc, including where necessary th modification of systems/components. Financial Management • Manages expenditure within delegated budgets, ensuring sound financial and procurement of goods and services in accordance with University Procu Policy and ‘Audit’ requirements. • Using appropriate forms of procurement and contract, identifies opportuniti improving the supply of routine, planned and long term maintenance service advises on preparation, implementation, management and review of the nec


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