The Ripple - Edition 3/2021 (Website)

This cycle of work sessions are repeated as the project progresses and complexity require. Each of members as well as the status of the developments of the team's business challenge. work session with Ensemble Enabler. This subsequent work session with Ensemble Enabler can take place either virtually or face-to-face depending on the needs of the team The end point of the Network Leadership Development is a collective reflection of the leader- ship team members together with Ensemble Enabler to explore the learnings of the Leadership Sprint from both a personal, team and business perspective. the sessions (as described above) addresses different aspects of network leadership depending upon the current needs of the group. with a series of questions for group discussion and reflection. The results of this reflection are visually cap- tured by a Visual Enabler. This visualization of how things stand serves as a check-in for the next

Ultimately the true shift in leadership capacity occurs when leaders are able to "see" for themselves and understand the consequences of their actions. An example of how a Leadership Sprint can serve as a leadership development process can be illustrated from the viewpoint of an automobile part manu- facturer which is in the process of shift- ing their manufacturing capability from components for fossil fuel vehicles to components for electric automobiles. The network relationships of an initial R&D team which is tackling the issue from an engineering point of view is insufficiently interconnected with com- ponent and raw material suppliers, production process experts and cus- tomers. This inadequate interconnect- edness among colleagues throughout the system impedes the ability to foster the kind of vital organizational change which is essential. Leadership sprints support all network participants to collaborate with each other to enable this organizational transformation to occur effectively.

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