Sammamish Unified Development Code

Zoning Districts | Technical Terms and Land Use Definitions

111. Enhancement. An action that increases the functions and values of a stream, wetland, or other sensitive area or buffer. 112. Equipment, heavy. High-capacity mechanical devices for moving earth or other materials, and mobile power units including, but not limited to:

114. Erosion hazard areas. Those areas in the City underlain by soils that are subject to severe erosion when disturbed. Such soils include, but are not limited to, those classified as having a severe or very severe erosion hazard according to the USDA Soil Conservation Service, the 1973 King County Soils Survey or any subsequent revisions or addition by or to these sources. These soils include the following when they occur on slopes 15 percent or steeper:

a. Carryalls;

b. Graders;

a. The Alderwood gravelly sandy loam (AgD);

c. Loading and unloading devices;

b. The Alderwood and Kitsap soils (AkF);

d. Cranes;

c. The Beausite gravelly sandy loam (BeD and BeF);

e. Drag lines;

d. The Everett gravelly sandy loam (EvD);

f. Trench diggers;

e. The Kitsap silt loam (KpD);

g. Tractors;

f. The Ovall gravelly loam (OvD and OvF);

h. Augers;

g. The Ragnar fine sandy loam (RaD); and

i. Bulldozers;

h. The Ragnar-Indianola Association (RdE).

j. Concrete mixers and conveyers;

115. The erosion hazard near sensitive water body overlay. An area within the City where sloped areas posing erosion hazards, or contributing to erosion hazards, that drain directly to lakes or streams of high resource value that are particularly sensitive to the impacts of increased erosion and the resulting sediment loads from development. The department of community development shall maintain a map of the boundaries of the erosion hazard near sensitive water bodies overlay district.

k. Harvesters;

l. Combines; or

m. Other major agricultural equipment and similar devices operated by mechanical power as distinguished from manpower. 113. Erosion. The process by which soil particles are mobilized and transported by natural agents such as wind, rainsplash, frost action or surface water flow.

226 | Title 21: Sammamish Development Code

Effective | January 1, 2022

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