Sammamish Unified Development Code

Zoning Districts | Technical Terms and Land Use Definitions

alteration or activity, the department may consider the purpose, effectiveness, engineering feasibility, commercial availability of technology, best management practices, safety and cost of the alternative action or proposal. Reasonable alternatives are those that are capable of being carried out, taking into consideration the overall project purposes, needs and objectives. 282. Reasonable use. A legal concept articulated by federal and state courts in regulatory taking cases. 283. Receiving site. Those lots where the procurement of development rights enables a permissible change in the allowed intensity on the property pursuant to SDC 21.06.070 and all other controlling policies and law. 284. Recreational vehicle (RV). A vehicle designed primarily for recreational camping, travel, or seasonal use that has its own motive power or is mounted on or towed by another vehicle, including but not limited to:

facilities, are located for occupancy by the general public of recreational vehicles as temporary living quarters for recreation or vacation purposes. 286. Recyclable material. A nontoxic, recoverable substance that can be reprocessed for the manufacture of new products. 287. Reference evapotranspiration (Eto). A standard measurement of environmental parameters that affect the water use of plants. 288. Regional storm water management facility. A surface water control structure installed in or adjacent to a stream or wetland of a basin or sub-basin by the surface water management (SWM) division or a project proponent. Such facilities protect downstream areas identified by SWM as having previously existing or predicted significant regional basin flooding or erosion problems. 289. Regional utility corridor. A right-of-way tract or easement other than a street right-of-way that contains transmission lines or pipelines for utility companies. Right-of-way tracts or easements containing lines serving individual lots or developments are not regional utility corridors. 290. Religious organization. The federally protected practice of a recognized religious assembly, school, or institution that owns or controls real property. 291. Relocatable facilities cost per student. The estimated cost of purchasing and siting a relocatable facility in a school district for the grade span of school to be provided, as a function of the district’s facilities standard per grade span and taking into account the requirements of students with special needs.

a. Travel trailer;

b. Folding camping trailer;

c. Park trailer;

d. Truck camper;

e. Park trailer;

f. Motor home; and

g. Multi-use vehicle.

285. Recreational vehicle parks. The use of land upon which two or more recreational vehicle sites, including hook-up

246 | Title 21: Sammamish Development Code

Effective | January 1, 2022

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