−− Introduction to use of commercial software tools • Creating Meaningful Performance Metrics and Monitoring Techniques −− The “critical life signs” of a program/project (cost, schedule, quality) −− Role of program/project integrator and methods of in- process performance monitoring −− Keeping all stakeholders informed and satisfied • Compliance Reporting, Test Plans, and Contingencies
application of 8D achieves robust corrective and preventive actions to reduce the risk of repeat occurrences and minimize the cost of poor quality. This is essential to enable long term customer - supplier relationships and positively contributes towards zero defects and customer satisfaction. This course includes deployment guidance, practical application exercises of the toolkit and step by step guidance on each of the 8 disciplines Learning Objectives By attending this seminar, you will be able to: • Lead and Facilitate an 8D Problem Solving Activity to AS13000 Requirements • Complete an AS13000 8D Problem Solving Template • Apply a Problem-Solving Toolkit • Recognize and deal with issues of Team Dynamics and Challenging People • Practice Effective Customer / Stakeholder Management • Reduce Risk of Problem Recurrence Topical Outline DAY ONE • Introduction - AS13000 background −− Importance of robust problem solving −− Eight Disciplines (8D) Process Overview • Problem Solving Infrastructure; Documented Process / Records • Competent Personnel / Time • Support / Escalation • Process Performance Evaluation & Improvement • Open dialogue / Questioning and Listening Techniques • Team Dynamics / Managing Challenging Behavior • D0 Implement Immediate Containment and Prepare for 8D • Define and Quantify Problem • Symptom(s) −− Implement Emergency Response Actions (ERA) to Protect Customer −− Verify Emergency Response Action Effectiveness −− Formalize Commitment to Fix Problem using 8D −− Keep Customer and Stakeholders Informed −− Create IS/ IS NOT First Draft −− Use of Problem Solving Template / Case Study Exercise • D1 Form the Team / Identify Champion, Team Leader and 8D Practitioner −− Define Team Goal −− Select Team Members −− Define Team Member Roles and Accountabilities −− Confirm Stakeholders −− Create Communication and Review Plan −− Use of Problem Solving Template / Case Study Exercise • D2 Define the Problem / Define Customer Experience −− Collect and Analyze Data vs. Customer Requirements −− Define Problem Boundaries and Scope −− Finalize Problem Statement
−− Regulatory documents and reports −− Test plans and configuration control −− FAA certification
−− Use of “critical life signs”, milestones, and monitoring −− Notification of problems and re-plans to stakeholders −− Refining the art of asking for and receiving help
DAY THREE • Managing the Individual Components of the Program/Project −− Financial aspects (pricing, ROI, ROIC, etc.) −− Marketing coordination, warranties, and after-market support −− Using metrics to correct “critical life sign” deficiencies −− Risk - assessment, abatement, and management • Motivation and Rewards −− Effective use of non-financial rewards for team members −− Ensuring full participation and best contribution from each team member −− Valuing others and letting them know it • Workshop −− Using program/project management techniques and tools, perform trial tasks as assigned −− Discuss and critique workshop tasks • Conclusion −− Importance of “unlearned” leadership attributes (integrity,
honesty, people sensitivity) −− Business and personal ethics
Instructor: Fee: $1795
Drexel L. Rutledge
2 CEUs
AS13000: Problem Solving Requirements for Suppliers 2 Days | Classroom Seminar I.D.# C1862 AS13000 defines the Problem-Solving standard for suppliers within the aero-engine sector, with the Eight Disciplines (8D) problem solving method the basis for this standard. This two-day course provides attendees with a comprehensive and standardized set of tools to become an 8D practitioner and meets all the requirements of the training syllabus in AS13000. Successful
3 ways to get a no-obligation price quote to deliver a course to your company: Call SAE Corporate Learning at +1.724.772.8529 | Fill out the online quote request at sae.org/corplearning | Email us at Corplearn@sae.org
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