Relieve the body and recover

Most people do not make the connection between their sleeping patterns and their health problems. In our country, 80% of the population suf- fers from back pain periodically. Sedentary lifestyle, bad posture, stress and tension are part of our daily lives. Hyperactivity in our society leaves us with too little time to sleep, be calm or relax. The second part of the night’s sleep is reserved for the important REM phase. Dur- ing this phase, brain activity is intense and the muscles relax. A mattress with the right support of the bodies muscular and skeletal system is critical during this phase.

support that prevents pain associated with pressure points and at the same time sup- ports the lower back and cervical spine. A good quality mattress relieves pressure points on the joints and allows the muscu- lar system to relax. Your sleep will be less disturbed from turning because of discom- fort and you will awaken feeling vibrant and renewed. When the body relaxes during sleep, it has a tremendous capacity to repair itself. While not the answer to all ills, a comfortable bed is the first step toward holistic wellness. When the body relaxes during sleep, it has a tremendous capacity to repair itself. While not the answer to all ills, a comfortable bed is the first step toward holistic wellness.

A mattress that is too hard or too soft can be a cause for alarm. A good mattress provides


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